PSP Oto is a new media player for the PSP. It currently supports MIDI, OGG, MP3 and WAV format files. Thanks to Guyfawkes for the news.…
DJSP is an visual audio MP3 player for the PSP. Similar to Winamp it shows”visual”effects while playing the music. Changes:
3 new visual (Plasma Desuka, Remixed Chaos, and Aqua Space), brings to a grand total of 10 visuals! Option to Cross Fade between Visuals (Per Song, 1 min, 2 min, 5 min, Off). Press Select to bring up the Options Window. Now searches for all MP3s in /PSP/MUSIC/ including subfolders. Implemented skip to Previous or Next Song. Press Left for previous and Right for Next. Holding Left will restart song, and Holding Right will Fast Forward. Much much faster Fast Forward with acceleration. Holding Right Longer seeks faster and faster. Implemented Headphone Remote Support. Altered code to load essential files from installed folder/directory. * It means that you can use any of the corrupt icon hiding programs and DJSP will still work. * Also means all those people with mp3 window freezing problems can now run the program. When exiting the program, you have to press the Home Key instead of Select. I needed Select. Other small bug fixes. (They are more like ants this time compared to those earlier roaches) Rewrote and added more concise instructions in the readme.txt I’ve been hearing a lot of good things about using DJSP and grafting it into the Car’s Dashboard. I’d love to see some pics of them. Send them in and I’ll post it up onto the website. This is the biggest update I have made so far. Finally, this visual mp3 player is taking shape. 🙂 I still remember the days when the visuals were nothing but 10 lines of decimal numbers. Now after a couple of weeks, it’s looking quite nice. Thanks to all the suggestions and complements. I’ve tried to put in as much as time allowed. If you can help out a bit, I don’t have the money to support the website hosting. Every $10 I get allows me to keep the webspace for one more month. And if I ever (hopefully) get enough for a 2nd psp, I’ll start doing research on adhoc and infrastructure access. I was envisioning a PSP version of Tetrinet. Or perhaps *legal* mp3 trading, but I digress. Enjoy DJSP 0.13a
FreeSCI is like ScummVM an adventure game interpretor, but just for Sierra games.
Mr. Mirikachi has released v1.31 of his GB/C emulator for the PSP.
Romshark has updated”Scored Earth”. This not not a final now, more like an Alpha. Here are the release notes:
Here’s a small update. It’s not really an”official”release, so I’m calling it 1.4a (or alpha). I’m trying out talking tanks here, plus I’m using a method of landscaping that is more”Scorch-Like”(which I modified from a Qbasic program called Bomb by David Duvenaud. Find it under Action Games at ). A few other things were tweaked and changed, but they probably won’t te obvious.
Since this isn’t a real release, there’s no source code. Just an eboot file. The source code is a mess right now anyway from the coding changes. Next I’m going to work on a menu system and hopefully more weapons. We’ll see how that goes.
Also, I’d rather have the talking loaded from an external file, so others can add their own dialogue. Can anyone point me in the direction of a demo that loads external files into a text reader or something? I also need to know if it can understand End-Of-Line and End-Of-File, so that I can load one random line of text. Maybe even use it to save settings and some form of game save?
Sasq had a rather interesting suggestion/idea and made it public at, a hughe demoscene portal. Read on:
Who is interested in participating in a Relay demo (for GBA)?
The basic idea goes like this:
Someone (me I guess 🙂 codes the first part. The first part should provide a modplayer at some known adress in RAM that is played with interrupts.
When the first part ends it should jump to just after the last byte, with the music still playing, and leaving the system state in a known (and documented) state (for instance, you could leave sprites on the screen spelling out a logo and the font in some tiles).
Anyone can now add a new part to the demo. The new part should use at least some of the previous part(s) data, for instance scroll out the sprites and reuse the font for a later effect – so the new part naturally”blends”with the previous.
The new part is simply attached to the end of the binary.
You could even provide pointers to code for effects that can be reused with different data in later demos.
Now we have a never-ending demo that just grows over time 🙂
(This could of course be done on other platforms, but its easiest on cartbased systems with tile/sprite graphics hardware, so GBA is the obvious choice).
Feel free to be part of this or just tell your opinion.
Release notes:
Hello All. I’ve decided to take a shot at deving games on the PSP. Ive been coding for god knows how many years now. Most of my C/C++ knowledge is in data structures/data abstraction sadly. My game work is in java. So bear with me while i struggle with some of the graphical/animation stuff. Anyways, i decided at first ill create something really simple to help familiarize myself with the psp environment. So i decided as an exercise in button recognition, I’d create the game Simon. You know, a random pattern of buttons appears and lengthens by one each time and you gotta follow up by inputting the stuff in the correct order. A memory game.
Revisions to v.07
Simple scoring system graphics centered
GuessPSP is an open source Number guessing game program meant mostly to allow newbies to the psp dev scene a chance at having some understanding of what it does, the source code is heavily commented to allow this.
Lowser is a file browser for PSP. It needs Shine’s LuaPlayer runtime environment and a Sony PSP with a firmware without the web browser (Firmware version 1.5 or lower). Changes:
Added a background picture Rehaul of much internals Lists don’t behave like an ugly hack Changed controls to only use arrows.
qlfecv has updated his puzzle game Sudoku.