Nintendo DS News
yagero released a new alpha version of Glubies Planet.
– Added a version for emulator, supporting implementation with no $ gba
– Added selection menu language
– Added English translation of the game
– Added auto-detect the language of the console
– Added auto-detection of profile name
– Added button “select” to restart the level without going through the menu
– Added level 11
– Fixed bug in the backup
– Fixed bug with icons steerable objects on the mini map
– Updated the properties of “Jumper” Jumping height 1 unit and 1 unit in length
– Update of levels 8, 9 and 10 to bond with the new properties of the “Jumper”
– Updated level 8 to make it easier
Thanks to for the news.,4039.msg39485/topicseen.html#new
The Reality Game is a collection of various card an board games in one binary.
Release notes:
It’s been almost 2 years since the last update of this game. Time flies.
I’m just filling another request from the forums, Zach asked for Checkers and Spoons, but I’m only giving him Checkers for now since it’s taken much longer than I thought to resurrect the game.
I also added left handed support for opening and closing the “hand” box(Press L or R) and fixed a few other bugs, but the game still crashes if you hit start to exit back to the main menu.
There’s also been a bug on the matchmaking side for the last little while that I didn’t notice, so it was impossible to play online, but local games still worked, sorry about that(not that anyone noticed :)). So, remember kids $_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR’] not $REMOTE_ADDR.
And finally, I hope to get back to updating some of these games, but I’ve been using my free time to make a version of Explosive Gas for Xbox Community Games and it’s been quite a bit more work than I expected, but it’s almost ready.
Thanks to for the news.
Gaz comes up with an updated of his game “5 Dice” which is in fact the well known game “Yahtzee”.
Release notes:
Here is my update of 5 Dice, you can now post your scores onto a leaderboard; hosted on a new site, which I am in the process of creating. This will include programming tutorials/articles and my DS software using Palib.
carhr released an action platform game based in the Turok universe.
This is a pretty short demo, but should give a good impression on how the full game is going to look.
Jay’s XWords is a crossword game for Nintendo DS with 3479 crosswords in the game.
Mankind’s oldest enemy, the decimal numbers 1 to 5 have launched another audacious attack and it’s up to you to stop them. They have one weakness – they self destruct when they are combined to make the number ten. Select numbers with the stylus and make tens to save the world.
How to play:
– Numbers have to be on the same horizontal line and add up to 10.
– All hope is lost when the numbers break through the top of the screen.
– Added extra sound effects.
– Improved tile animation when numbers move up a row and when they are pushed around.
– Fixed situation where board was corrupted after dropping tiles.
– Fixed score repainting glitch after dropping tiles.
– Added pause. Press START in game to pause.
This includes three board games: Sator, Arepo, Tenet. This is a new release with music, connection DS to DS and few other new functions.
The includes three board games: Sator, Arepo, Tenet.
Thanks to for the news.