It’s reality again, here comes PDROMS CODING COMPETITION v4.01 – Retro Coding Fun for Console and Handhelds!
Coding on “closed” handhelds or consoles must not be a privilege; dozens of free development kits proof the opposite. The steadily growing “homebrew scene” produces unlicensed software for devices not meant to be open for everyone.
PDRoms has always been in the homebrew scene to support the creation of new homebrew software, support programmers and artists. To show our love to the homebrew scene once again, here comes the ninth PDRoms Coding Competition.
Here is the brief data:
Topic: Create a logic/puzzle game
Competition running time: Thursday, 02 April 2009 to Sunday, 31st May 2009
Deadline: Sunday, 31th May 2009 @ 23:59, in YOUR timezone!
Systems allowed: Atari 2600, Coleco Vision, Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Game Gear, IntelliVision, Master System, Neo Geo Pocket, Neo Geo Pocket Color, Nintendo Entertainment System, Odyssey2, Wonderswan, Wonderswan Color, Super Nintendo Entertainment System, Genesis/Megadrive, Gameboy Advance, Nintendo 64, PC Engine, Sega 32x, Sega CD and Vectrex.
Prizes to win: A WIZ console, 2 PSP Games, 1 Genesis Game, 5 R4 Cards, 10 Acekards and 150 US$ in cash
Prizes are sponsored by: – – – – – ph0x
Spread the word! – May the Schwartz be with you 😉
It’s reality again, here comes PDROMS CODING COMPETITION v4.01 – Retro Coding Fun for Console and Handhelds!
Coding on “closed” handhelds or consoles must not be a privilege; dozens of free development kits proof the opposite. The steadily growing “homebrew scene” produces unlicensed software for devices not meant to be open for everyone.
PDRoms has always been in the homebrew scene to support the creation of new homebrew software, support programmers and artists. To show our love to the homebrew scene once again, here comes the ninth PDRoms Coding Competition.
Here is the brief data:
Topic: Create a logic/puzzle game
Competition running time: Thursday, 02 April 2009 to Sunday, 31st May 2009
Deadline: Sunday, 31th May 2009 @ 23:59, in YOUR timezone!
Systems allowed: Atari 2600, Coleco Vision, Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Game Gear, IntelliVision, Master System, Neo Geo Pocket, Neo Geo Pocket Color, Nintendo Entertainment System, Odyssey2, Wonderswan, Wonderswan Color, Super Nintendo Entertainment System, Genesis/Megadrive, Gameboy Advance, Nintendo 64, PC Engine, Sega 32x, Sega CD and Vectrex.
Prizes to win: A WIZ console, 2 PSP Games, 1 Genesis Game, 5 R4 Cards, 10 Acekards and 150 US$ in cash
Prizes are sponsored by: – – – – – ph0x
Spread the word! – May the Schwartz be with you 😉
It’s reality again, here comes PDROMS CODING COMPETITION v4.01 – Retro Coding Fun for Console and Handhelds!
Coding on “closed” handhelds or consoles must not be a privilege; dozens of free development kits proof the opposite. The steadily growing “homebrew scene” produces unlicensed software for devices not meant to be open for everyone.
PDRoms has always been in the homebrew scene to support the creation of new homebrew software, support programmers and artists. To show our love to the homebrew scene once again, here comes the ninth PDRoms Coding Competition.
Here is the brief data:
Topic: Create a logic/puzzle game
Competition running time: Thursday, 02 April 2009 to Sunday, 31st May 2009
Deadline: Sunday, 31th May 2009 @ 23:59, in YOUR timezone!
Systems allowed: Atari 2600, Coleco Vision, Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Game Gear, IntelliVision, Master System, Neo Geo Pocket, Neo Geo Pocket Color, Nintendo Entertainment System, Odyssey2, Wonderswan, Wonderswan Color, Super Nintendo Entertainment System, Genesis/Megadrive, Gameboy Advance, Nintendo 64, PC Engine, Sega 32x, Sega CD and Vectrex.
Prizes to win: A WIZ console, 2 PSP Games, 1 Genesis Game, 5 R4 Cards, 10 Acekards and 150 US$ in cash
Prizes are sponsored by: – – – – – ph0x
Spread the word! – May the Schwartz be with you 😉
It’s reality again, here comes PDROMS CODING COMPETITION v4.01 – Retro Coding Fun for Console and Handhelds!
Coding on “closed” handhelds or consoles must not be a privilege; dozens of free development kits proof the opposite. The steadily growing “homebrew scene” produces unlicensed software for devices not meant to be open for everyone.
PDRoms has always been in the homebrew scene to support the creation of new homebrew software, support programmers and artists. To show our love to the homebrew scene once again, here comes the ninth PDRoms Coding Competition.
Here is the brief data:
Topic: Create a logic/puzzle game
Competition running time: Thursday, 02 April 2009 to Sunday, 31st May 2009
Deadline: Sunday, 31th May 2009 @ 23:59, in YOUR timezone!
Systems allowed: Atari 2600, Coleco Vision, Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Game Gear, IntelliVision, Master System, Neo Geo Pocket, Neo Geo Pocket Color, Nintendo Entertainment System, Odyssey2, Wonderswan, Wonderswan Color, Super Nintendo Entertainment System, Genesis/Megadrive, Gameboy Advance, Nintendo 64, PC Engine, Sega 32x, Sega CD and Vectrex.
Prizes to win: A WIZ console, 2 PSP Games, 1 Genesis Game, 5 R4 Cards, 10 Acekards and 150 US$ in cash
Prizes are sponsored by: – – – – – ph0x
Spread the word! – May the Schwartz be with you 😉
Added Apr 2, 2009, Under:
Seagal coded a Centipede emulator for the Gemei / Dingoo. It currently emulates only Millipede and has no sound, but is playable and is full speed.
Thanks to Dingoo-Scene for the news!
A sci-fi adventure game by jrok set on a space station filled with evil mutants and robots. Your goal will be to locate the station’s death ray and disable it before the bad guys use it to destroy mankind.
Release notes:
Okay, this is a pretty big update. Essentially I’ve introduced many new mechanics, and have crafted a “mini-level” that I am going to use as the base for testing all gameplay mechanics from here on out.
The goal of this mini-level is simply to locate a Chalice.
I’ve updated the instructions a bit below, but without going into to much detail here are the major changes/additions:
Puzzling: Throughout the station are computer terminals that control various obstacles you need to bypass. There are clues hidden in the environments in and around each obstacle, so you have to pay attention in order to solve the code. You can access one of these terminals by standing on it and pressing the left fire button. The screen changes to a “1st person” view of the computer monitor. The interface is composed of 9 buttons in three different colors and a white “enter” button. You can move the cursor beside the various buttons using the left joystick, and select a button by pressing the fire button, adding that button to your code string. When you think you’ve entered the full code, select the white enter-button and press the fire button. You will be then returned to “3rd person” Adventuring Mode, and a sound will indicate whether the code was correct or incorrect. If correct, the computer will perform the desired action (i.e. lowering a force field, disarming a turret, etc)
Enemy AI: I’ve removed “The Mutant” for now, so you’ll only be fighting robots. Revised collision detetion and steering. Added a projectile weapon using the ball object. Robot randomly appears when a new room is drawn
Item Pickup: This is still a little inflexible and needs to be worked on. When you see an object in a room, postition the hero on top of it and press the fire button to pick it up. It will appear in the third slot in your inventory and will automatically be armed. Certain items (like the gun) have a limited number of uses.
Death: Each time a robot shoots you, you will lose a shield. When you have lost all your shields, Young Skywalker, “You will die.”
I am REALLY curious how difficult you guys think the puzzle(s) are in this build. I want to make puzzling part of the core gameplay, with the puzzles getting progressively harder – and even deadlier – as you get closer to the game objective.
At the bottom of the screen, the score area displays your current inventory and shield strength. You can hold up to three items in your inventory at a time, and can have a maximum of up to three shields.
CONTROLS (Adenturing Mode):
Reset Switch Restart the game.
Left Joystick – Move hero in 8 directions
Left Fire Button – Activate a computer terminal or Aim/Use the active item in your inventory, as follows:
Laser Sword – While holding the button down, tap the Left Joystick left or right to slash in that direction.
Gun – Move the Left Joystick in one of 8 directions to aim the gun that way. Release the Fire Button to shoot.
Bomb – If you can find this item, you can blow holes in interior walls and doors.
RightJoystick – Tap left or right to change your active Inventory item.
CONTROLS (Puzzling Mode):
Left Joystick – Move the cursor in four directions
Left Fire Button – Press a colored button or submit the code by selecting the Enter key at the bottom of the monitor.
ENEMIES & OBSTACLES (only two at the moment):
Killer Robot: Garden variety evil robot. They turn up randomly in rooms that you enter, and can be dispatched with a single shot or a swing of your sword.
Mutant X: This is a persistent character that will serve much of the function that the Dragons did in Adventure, relentlessly pursuing you around the complex. You can mangle him with a sword strike or a bullet, but after a few seconds he will re-constitute himself and continue hunting you down.
Computer Terminal: A security computer linked in to the Armageddon Complex security network. Can be used to disable Force Fields or trigger other events.
Force Field: A barrier which must be disabled by entering the proper code in a computer terminal.
atari2600land updated his “Video Poker” game.
Release notes:
You can now select cards to drop and get new ones. To do this, select a card you want to get rid of by using up & down and press fire. The card will then turn blue. To actually get the new cards, make the arrow go all the way down to the blank space and press fire. The version i’m posting here is different from the first, even though they have the same file name.
Added Apr 2, 2009, Under:
The WiiNewz community is warning about “dangerous files”. Their original article is linked below.
It has come to our attention that there are numerous “joke” or otherwise dangerous files currently in circulation. These include preloader 0.29, several “channel” versions of the USB Loader, etc. that contain “Rick rolls” or otherwise malicious code.
Sorry… this is not funny to some of us.
The majority of the apps are originating from GBAT3mp. The administrators there can no longer keep up with the massive amount of lameness that emanates from their forum. As a result, we are no longer allowing hotlinks to their site.
In addition, there is now a release from “Team Twiizlers” claiming to be a preview of BootMii. It is, of course, fake and will only display a message saying …
“Hello World!
LOL IT WORKS! Welcome to the Team Twizzlers BootMiiOut installer. Normally we would insert a disclaimer here, but the state of the economy has forced us to cut costs.
The installer will install Google Toolbar and IOS1337. We forgot to map the install process to a Wiimote button, so users will need to whine in #wiidev about this issue. Meanwhile, the HOME key will exit.”
Do not install anything on your Wii until has been confirmed legitimate by more than one user!!!
Thanks to for the news.
FluBBa comes up with yet another arcade emulator which uses the M6809 CPU. Should be fairly playable, even has working screen flipping. Pretty much everything works except sound.
Please keep in mind the required G’N’G ROM does NOT come with the emulator.
VolDown is a small plugin which turns the volume down to ZERO. This is useful if you want to use your PSP in places, where any kind of volume is not permitted, such as in class or in a library.
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