Pocket PC News
SASHIMI is an Installer. Its main function is to install CAB, .REG., and .XML files that can be used when setting up your device. It can be run in Manual Mode, Fully Automated Mode, or in Manual+Auto mode. SASHIMI can also perform backups of your important files and registry entries and allow for easy restore during installation.
SHASHIMI stands for Semi Automated Script for HTC-Kaiser Installations, MortScript Initiated.
UPDATED! – MortScript to version This version is required to run SASHIMI (included with install).
NEW! – Dialog system and diagnostic status messages for a more streamlined and professional appearance.
NEW! – Automatic creation of CUSTOMLINKS.INI file from specified directory for easy modification of shortcut creation.
NEW! – Ability to switch between multiple SETTINGS.INI files for multiple folder and other customization options. Command-line supported.
NEW! – EXEPARAMS.INI file allows parameters to be specified for .EXE files during install phases.
NEW! – IdleTimerReset implemented to prevent timeouts during long Auto installs (from 6.1.1beta)
Storage Card Install updates including:
NEW! – Ability to handle more variables including Network Folders and Extended ROM (for Moguls and other devices. from 6.1.1 beta)
NEW! – Support for DIAMOND and other VGA devices
NEW! – Support for DIAMOND and other devices with “Internal Storage”
UPDATED! – Bug fixed where CAB files beginning with “SC” were automatically installed to Storage Card even when not in the SC directory
UPDATED! – CUSTOMLINKS.INI now handles Wildcard ( “*”) options.
UPDATED! – Fixed issues with SASHIMI detecting CAB files that have been moved/removed since previous install (temp file issue).
UPDATED! – Ability to specify file name for Full Registry Export.
iFonz is a clone of iPhone interface, with a lots of customization and a fully graphical design and animations
for Windows Mobile 5/6 completely writed in .NET.
– Correct bugs
– Pink/Red letters on slide are coming because is active in Windows Mobile Settings the ClearType Text option, if you disable it the letters color are ok
– The “!” in calendar icon is deleted if you not select to view the appointments
– Reduced space between icons if you choose to not show name of icons. Now in a QVGA with icons 48×48 without names and bottom bar you can set 20 icons for page
– Correct the positions of circles of pages
– Now iFonz draw bottom bar only if there are at least one icon
– Redraw rotate function
PocketCM ImageViewer is currently a test version, the purpose is to experiment what’s possible with image on our Windows Mobile device using the PocketCM framework.
– Set image to contact option, with cropping/scaling support.
– All image set to contact will have a maximum size of 320*320 (suitable for full screen call notification)
– New jpeg loader, up to 400% speed improvement on some image.
– Header buttons needs to be pressed on in order to work: avoid closing the app while rotating.
S2U2 (Slide2Unlock2) is a simple lock/unlock application which has the iPhone style slide unlocking. It can be used as a screensaver while you don’t use your device. And it’s has a CallerID function.
– fixed the misbehaviour (lock failure; improper CallerID screen) when there is a data connection.
– fixed the bug of showing events of day after tomorrow as tomorrow.
PockeTwit is a twitter client for the Windows Mobile Professional platform.
– A unique user interface
– Display public, user, and friends timelines
– Update status
– URL shortining with is.gd
– Reply to tweets
– Show profiles
– Clickable @names and URLs
– Option to check for new version on startup
Don’t crash if auto-upgrade fails
Discussion: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=411536
Turn your Windows Mobile device into a useful alarm clock with the SpoonAlarm.
The SpoonAlarm is a simple and useful alarm application, combining a friendly interface with a loud mp3 based alarm capabilities.
With a couple of clicks – you can setup your next alarm, select your favorite mp3 song, configure your preferable snoozing option and all – using a friendly user interface designed to work with no stylus.
Designed to replace the default Windows Mobile alarms functionality, the SpoonAlarm is simple and intuitive to use, and includes few ‘must have’ features.
Such as:
* Finger Friendly user interface
* Support for both mp3 and wave files (to wake up with)
* Recurring Alarms
* Configurable Snooze
* 2-3 Clicks to configure alarm
* Countdown clock
Discussion: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=413394
RemoteTracker is an antitheft software which you can use to track your device when it was lost or stolen. It works catching a formated SMS sent from any phone and then send useful informations back.
– Romanian translation.
Discussion: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=394203
S2U2 (Slide2Unlock2) is a simple lock/unlock application which has the iPhone style slide unlocking. It can be used as a screensaver while you don’t use your device. And it’s has a CallerID function.
Although S2U2 is now called v1.13, it doesn’t mean it can be run perfectly on your device. Thanks to different devices produced by different vendors. So, please test it before use it everyday, especially the CallerID function.
– fixed the bug when there is a tomorrow all-day event.
– fixed the bug that change orientation when there is an incoming call.
– fixed the transparency background for 320×320 device.
PockeTwit is a twitter client for the Windows Mobile Professional platform.
– A unique user interface
– Display public, user, and friends timelines
– Update status
– URL shortining with is.gd
– Reply to tweets
– Show profiles
– Clickable @names and URLs
– Option to check for new version on startup
identi.ca support, use external browser, toggle fullscreen
Discussion: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=411536