Pocket PC News
Taskbar Launcher is a little tool that shows a customizeable launch pad when you hit the taskbar.
Attention: Current version is designed for newer 6.5.x builds of Windows Mobile with the start menu on bottom. Taskbar Launcher is blocking all other applications from the taskbar, so it might be a bad idea to use it when your Start menu is still on top.
* Added Task manager
* Added new gestures: switch to next/previous application
* Fully replace the default Windows taskbar
Power Radio is a FM player with RDS decoding, at least on HTC HD.
– additional skin “brown”, thats the v1 default retro skin 🙂
– experimental landscape support. Be aware this is still buggy – in development
– Battery Info can be switched on/off via menu layout
– psname (StationName) is trimmed when writing to registry
– fixed: frequency didnt get updated in registry when using presetprev/presetnext buttonhandler commands
– additional values are written to registry for evaluation via scripts: status of audiopath, mute, blend, stereo. For details see documentation.
– bugfix: blend settings showed inverted status
NaviComputer is a GPS mapping and offroad navigation / tracking software designed for Windows Mobile devices.
What makes NaviComputer outstanding is the ability to view maps offline, so there is no need for internet connection or dataplan when you are on a trip.
Maps can be easily downloaded from various online map sources like OpenStreetMap either with the bundled PC software “NaviMapper” or directly with NaviComputer on the mobile device. Maps are saved as single, easy to handle and space-saving files.
Changelog: http://navicomputer.com/blog/?p=123#more-123
XTask is a task manager for Windows Mobile PDA phone. It does, not only the most wanted job of cleaning system RAM by closing unused tasks, but with many more features. For example, it can correct the overlay problem of the WM6.5.x buttom bar for any programs such as Resco Explorer, also automaticlly set button-X to Close instead of minimizing a window.
* Rotate screen orientation.
* Automatic fix the buttom tool bar overlay in WM6.5.x.
* Automatic change X-botton to close.
* Automatic terminate ActiveSync.
* manage files with XTask.
* Access the control panel items.
* Place icon, or show freeRAM on the title bar.
* Hold the XTask icon and drag on the screen to perform quick function.
* fully customisable XTask function items, program tools bar for fix under WM6.5.x, icon position on the title bar, etc.
* Create shotcut buttons in start menu for Restart, Toggle Wifi or bluetooth, screen-off, etc.
camro updated his application SchedHandler, previously known as MailHandler. The program is based upon ImapPusher.
.) Scheduler for:
Scanning for:
-> network connection scanner (check the connection and if not valid reconnect again)
-> anti power suspend (sending power heartbeat every X-seconds, and so not going to suspend mode)
-> imap idle scanning for new emails
-> wheel time scanning (after X-seconds execute…)
–> + extra option for
—- checking if File Exist
—- checking if File Not Exist
—- checking if Application Running
—- checking if Application Not Running
Timeplans when Scanning events are valid
Execution if Scanning is valid:
-> Polling Emails (Pocket Outlook Mailboxes)
-> Kill Tasks
-> Play Sounds (all windows media supported files)
-> Switch Radio, GPRS, Wlan, Bluetooth via ON/OFF/Toggle
it supports:
+ multiple email profiles
+ multiple email FOLDERS
+ multiple scheduler profiles
+ multiple time plans
+ checking email via “Imap Idle” and/or via “Polling”
+ imap(143) and imaps(993) ssl
+ Polling in free defined time interval
+ Multiple Time Scheduling for:
+> switching on/off/toogle (RADIO, GPRS WLAN, BLUETOOTH)
+ cleanup version
The mySpot application provides access to the Spotify service on the Windows Mobile platform via an intermediate proxy. Requires a QVGA, VGA or WVGA device running Windows Mobile Professional (Pocket PC) 6.0 or higher.
* General performance improvements
* Added a “Play Entire Album” link to info panel
* Album tracks are now returned more reliably
* Options and Settings menus are now more finger friendly (VGA)
* Large info button added for VGA devices (VGA)
* High res icon added and now configurable via Options menu (VGA)
* Fixed a bug that would hide search box behind OSK (VGA)
BattClock, if you want the BattClock of TouchLockPro or StylusLock without locking possibilities!
* Very small in memory: 1 Kb in memory (check it with a task manager)
* No CPU usage: 0.00 % CPU usage, check it with a task manager)
* Very small on disk: BattClock.exe 17 Kb on disk,
* Very efficient resource usage (clock update and measuring of battery percentage)
* No updates with screen off (only listen for screen on event), so no battery usage/drain by BattClock
* Show Time and Battery percentage above the top bar (default)
* Automatic detect settings the first time started, dependent of the screen resolution and colour.
* Time in format HH:MM or H:MM or with other separator, 12 hour or 24 hour clock
* Battery indicator in percentage, indication if charging (default battery percentage character % is changed into tilde character ~)
* Date in format DD-MM or MM-DD or with other separator and with or without leading zeros
* Free memory percentage indicator or MB, updated once per second, great to see if you have memory leaks!
* CPU percentage indicator, updated once per second, great to see how much work your phone has to do!
* BattClock info can be a combination of above (Date, Time, Battery Percentage and Free memory) with a maximum of 3 lines out of 5 possibilities.
* Location and size: Clock width, height, X position, Y position and FontSize configurable. Separate settings for Portrait or Landscape. X position from the left configurable by negative value
* Color: Background and Text (Foreground) color configurable. Separate Date, Time and CPU Color. Battery Percentage and Free memory can change color when a medium or low threshold has reached (3 colors configurable)
* Looks: Separators for time and date configurable, battery percentage character configurable (on power, on battery), free memory character configurable, CPU indicator configurable.
* Automatic runtime adaption of BattClock on Portrait or Landscape mode (with negative ClockX setting)
* Configurable realtime (settings changes reflecting immediatly in BattClock) via separate BattConfig program (required: .NET 2.0 or higher, does not work on Smartphone though)
* Configurable via registry settings
* Supported resolutions: 240×320, 240×240, 480×480. 480×640, 480×800, etc.
* Supported Windows Mobile 6 Classic
* Supported Windows Mobile 6 Standard
* Supported Windows Mobile 6 Professional
* Supported Windows Mobile 6.5
* Supported Windows Mobile 5
* Also works now on Windows Mobile Standard edition (version 1.6 onwards)
* AppToDate support
* Added option to show CPU usage percentage
* Color of CPU info configurable
* CPU indicator configurable (default %)
* Make sure to handle backlight on also as ScreenOn, to avoid possible problems with updating the BattClock
* Thresholds for Battery and Free memory separate configurable
camro updated his application SchedHandler, previously known as MailHandler. The program is based upon ImapPusher.
.) Scheduler for:
Scanning for:
-> network connection scanner (check the connection and if not valid reconnect again)
-> anti power suspend (sending power heartbeat every X-seconds, and so not going to suspend mode)
-> imap idle scanning for new emails
-> wheel time scanning (after X-seconds execute…)
–> + extra option for
—- checking if File Exist
—- checking if File Not Exist
—- checking if Application Running
—- checking if Application Not Running
Timeplans when Scanning events are valid
Execution if Scanning is valid:
-> Polling Emails (Pocket Outlook Mailboxes)
-> Kill Tasks
-> Play Sounds (all windows media supported files)
-> Switch Radio, GPRS, Wlan, Bluetooth via ON/OFF/Toggle
it supports:
+ multiple email profiles
+ multiple email FOLDERS
+ multiple scheduler profiles
+ multiple time plans
+ checking email via “Imap Idle” and/or via “Polling”
+ imap(143) and imaps(993) ssl
+ Polling in free defined time interval
+ Multiple Time Scheduling for:
+> switching on/off/toogle (RADIO, GPRS WLAN, BLUETOOTH)
+ add new feature – on EXECUTE PLAN -> setdevice to sleep mode + max sleep time (time should max. wheel time)
+ fixed a bug on Generic error on IMAP IDLE, where the socket doesn’t recover – now fixed
Unlike other IMDb apps which parse IMDb pages for information, this app uses the iPhone IMDb API to retrieve information from IMDb.com and display it on your Windows Mobile.
– Search Movies/TV/Video Games/Actors
– Finger-friendly interface
– DVD Covers
– Actor Headshots
– Trivia
– Quotes
– Photos
– Top 250
– Coming Soon List
– Videos/Trailers
– Goofs
– App-To-Date Support
JMLPanex program (JML Panel Execute) allows multiple hotspots on a plugin (-> Association picture/program). JMLPanex is a Titanium plugin!
– Bug, sorry