Playstation Portable News
LightMP3 v2.0.0 (Alpha) (PSP Application)

Sakya has released an alpha version of his upcomming LightMP3 v2.0.0. Please provide feedback if possible.

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3.90 M33-2 (PSP Firmware)

Dark_Alex has updated his custom firmware for Playstation Portable.


3.90 M33-2

– 3.52 M33-3 or higher

– Copy UPDATE folder to /PSP/GAME and run the program.

If you are in 3.90 M33, that’s all needed. If you are in previous version, you need to download 390.PBP and put it in same folder or let the program to download it for you.

– Improvements in plugins loading code:
* Fixed some problems with problematic cards due to filesystem not mounted.
* Now plugins should read the faster.
* Problem fixed with lines with spaces at the end.
– Added the rest of regions to the recovery option fakeregion.
– (PSP SLIM): Added patches in nand ipl to allow Booster multiiplloader and TimeMachine iplloader to boot from nand.

Note: only 3.90 M33-2 and higher can be booted from nand in slim with those ipl loaders, not official Sony firmwares or previous versions of M33.

Changes in updater:
– The 3.90 eboot downloading code is now more stable, no more freezes after selecting AP
– Memory stick write in the 3.90 downloading code is delayed the maximum possible for faster operation
(the system prefers big chunks of data written at once).

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PSPAtari v1.1.3 (Minor Fix) (A800 A130 A5200 emu for PSP)

Here is a new version of PSPAtari the emulator of Atari 800, 800XL, 130XE and 5200 series.


– fix issue with NTSC colors (thanks to carpy)
– bug fix with vsync option
– bug fix with pal/ntsc video system change

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pspME and PSPKVM merged (PSP misc)

Both recently released J2ME emulators pspME and PSPKVM will be merged into one project!

Here is Sleepers message from

pspME and PSPKVM merged

After a fully discussion today with M@x, the author of pspME, the two projects, PSPKVM and pspME, will be merged, and keep the name as PSPKVM. After a quickly release with sound support in the next days, PSPKVM will discard some old code to base on phoneME feature. We will try to offering a better JavaME VM on PSP.


And here is M@x’s quote:

After a wonderful meeting today, Sleeper, the author of pspkvm, and I decided to merge our works into a new project. The new project remains the name “pspkvm”, and current pspME source code will be used as new project’s code base, all the current pspkvm features (e.g Nokia UI, Chinese file name supporting and devices selector etc.) will be inherited. The new pspkvm project’s home page is now still under construction, and will be hosted by SourceForge. Sleeper and I will work together in new pspkvm project from now on, we promise to keep offering good JavaME implementation on PSP.

The next release of new pspkvm will be available with source code under GPL, and keep the game compatible list consistent with current pspkvm.

pspME project will keep alive. While pspkvm will be based on phoneMEFeature, pspME will change to implement phoneMEAdvanced on PSP, and the 2 projects will share codes for their JSRs’ implementation. Since I’ll be working on pspkvm, however, next release of pspME may not come very quickly; But once it comes, it’ll be a CDC based and JIT Compiler enabled VM.

See you in pspkvm!

pspME by M@x:
PSPKVM by Sleeper:

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PSAFE v2 (PSP Application)

TRStealthX released an update to PSAFE.

Release notes:

With over 200 users in less then 24 hours it would be a mistake not to upgrade PSAFE. PSAFE v2 touches up on the stuff that v1 needed. It adds a couple of bug fixes, hides the setup files, and fixes the email problems it was having. The README file will guide you through everything you need to know, including what’s coming up from PSAFE. As always, thanks for downloading.

Please note that I tried to explain as much as possible about the next 2 FINAL versions of PSAFE in the README file. So if you are confused or you have opinions for the next 2 versions – download and read the README

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Small Game (PSP Game)

SG57 has released “Small Game” to the PSP community.

Release notes:

Well, your Mr.Green with an elastic extension jutting out of you (O.o) connected to a wrecking ball, if you will. Object of hte game is to flail that sucker around to send the other enemies that are out to get you to flying. (it’s pretty addictive hitting them all and watching them sail off the screen, the SFX make me laugh everytime…).

I’m not the best, but I do enjoy playing every time. (whoever knows my high score gets a cookie)

Select to cycle through bg effects (one of them turns them off if you dont like them).
Start is pause.
R and L triggers will make subtle changes to the background effects (yet those small changes result in a big graphical difference ^^).
Analog / D-Pad – move your guy

Video in action:

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Metroid Life v0.02 (PSP Lua misc)

Metroid Life is based off of the old Conway’s Game of Life, only with metroids.

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PSPColem v1.1.1 (Coleco Vision emu for PSP)

Here is the final version of PSPColem the Coleco Vision emulator for PSP.

For those who haven’t seen previous versions, ColEm is one of the best emulator of the ColecoVision videogame system written by Marat Fayzullin. It’s running on FreeBSD, HP-UX, SunOS, Solaris, Linux, and other Unix systems. PSPColem is a port to PSP of Colem (Unix version 1.0).


– Speed improvements, z80 part rewritten using jump tables.
Antartic Adventure is now fullspeed (60 fps) even at 133Mhz !
– IR keyboard support (mainly for menu)
– Auto-fire mode, press RTrigger+X to switch it on/off
– Add several new hotkeys :
. settings such as fps, render mode, auto fire speed
can now be directly modified inside the emulator
(no need to enter in the settings menu)
. quick save / quick load current state
(no need to enter in the main menu)
– Default Hotkeys can now be set in the keyboard mapping menu
(useful to add hotkeys on existing/previous keyboard files)
– Bug fix in the low battery watchdog
– Add vsync option
– Add ntsc/pal option and fix issue with default speed
(emulator was too slow in ntsc mode)

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Metroid Life v0.01 (PSP Lua misc)

Metroid Life is based off of the old Conway’s Game of Life, only with metroids.

Metroids live and die based on these simple rules:
–Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies, as if by loneliness.
–Any live cell with more than three live neighbours dies, as if by overcrowding.
–Any live cell with two or three live neighbours lives, unchanged, to the next generation.
–Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours comes to life.

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PSPTube (11-02-2008) (PSP Application)

A new progress version of PSPTube is out. Watch Youtube Videos on your PSP easily and comfortable.

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