Added Oct 21, 2009, Under:
Pimp My Wii is an app that will install missing and outdated titles to your Wii console. The program will detect missing or outdated IOSes and check that you have the latest version of the Wii System Menu. It also checks if you have the latest Wii Shop Channel. If you don’t have the latest versions of those titles, the program will download or read them from USB or SD, and install them. When using this program, you will have all advantages of 4.1 cumulated with those of 3.2, and this without drawbacks!
The program is automatically displayed in English or French depending of your Wii’s language. It is also compatible with NTSC-U, NTSC-J and PAL Wii consoles. (Korean Wii is theoretically compatible, but IOSes specific to this version will not be installed).
– New option in the menu “Downgrade IOS 15”. You only choose the IOS to use to downgrade the IOS 15 that will restaure the trucha bug inside.
– Now when you pass a simple test, there is no more initialisation of internet/sd/usb and do not propose the downgrading of IOS in certains cases.
– When no useful IOS has been found, it now use IOS 36 instead, or 28, 33, 55, 30 or the IOS used by system menu if they are not found.
– Added a “Infos” mode where it writes informations on SD card about installed titles.
– If pimp my wii detects an outdated MIOS and if you have an non original MIOS (means a Custom MIOS), it will tell you that upgrading this will replace the cMIOS.
– Displays navigation buttons.
– Proposes the installation of EULA in manual installation.
Thanks to for the news.
SNES9x Euphoria is a speed optimized version, based off the last version of SNES9xTYL by rukka.
[+] Bug where you couldn’t have more than 200 roms in the ROMS folder or the emulator would crash is now fixed. (I tested with 800 roms in there)
[+] Bug where the emulator would freeze then hard-power-off your PSP after trying to load more than 3 roms is now fixed. (I tried loading rom after rom at least 12 times with no issues)
[+] Bug where you couldn’t return to the menu after running a game is now fixed. (thank god lol)
[+] Bug where emulator would hard-power-off PSP when exiting rather than return to the Xmb is now fixed (both in file menu and main menu)
[+] Bug where the emulator wouldn’t start on Gen firmware fixed (tested by myself on 5.50GenC and Cmbeke on 5.50GenB)
[+] Possible minor speedups from code cleanup.
[+] Removed the intro screen for now. (will be configurable in the next build)
Thanks to for the news.
S8DS is more or less a port of SMSAdvance to the NDS. It emulates the Sega Master System and the Sega Game Gear.
The biggest difference from the SMSAdvance is probably that you don’t have to use a builder to add roms, you can use zipped files directly and the screen doesn’t have to be scaled to fit.
* Fixed Bios handling a bit (GG games works again).
Added Oct 21, 2009, Under:
Harteex was working a bit on adapting raw audio buffering for the Dingoo.
Here comes a library and a simple sample how to play Ogg Vorbis Audio files. It plays test.ogg in the same directory as the executable. Exit with Start+Select. Sound is not perfect, because it needs buffering!
This is just a basic sample.
“Road Fighter for Wiz ” is a port of the car racing game Road Fighter that was originally developed by Konami for the MSX platform and later for NES.
This port is based on the “remake” that was developed by BrainGames ( ) for the PC.,0,0,0,28,237
Added Oct 21, 2009, Under:
Spiller presents a first beta of his Atari Lynx emulator, LynGOO, for the Dingoo A320.
Place LynGOO.SIM together with lynxboot.img in your GAME folder and have fun with some LNX files!
This version still contains several glitches and load/save state is not implemented yet. You will have to find your own lynxboot.img as it’s copyrighted!
Added Oct 21, 2009, Under:
“This week in Dingoo” is a resume of Dingoo news, happened the past week.
Maintainer of this retrospect is Consequence_9, moderator at Dingoonity.
Good luck and let’s see how long you keep this up! 🙂
Please follow the link below for Issue 1 of “This week in Dingoo”.
Added Oct 21, 2009, Under:
ShowMiiWads is a ‘Wad File Manager’ for Windows. It displays information about wad files, edits them, gives a preview of the Banner and Icon and more. New since Version 1.0 is the included NAND Backup Browser ‘ShowMiiNand’ which displays all titles installed in your NAND Backup (No BootMii Backups!).
Editing WAD files can result in a brick of your Wii. Only use these features if you have a bricksafe Wii, meaning either Preloader or BootMii/boot2 is installed, and if you know what you’re doing. Also, your Wad files could be destroyed, so be sure to have a backup.
This application comes without any express or implied warranty. The author can’t be held responsible for any damages arising from the use of it.
64 bit Version is now available
Improved speed. Now, information is loaded at application startup and saved in a file. Whenever it reloads, the information is read out of the file, only new files are added. If you need to completely refresh the whole list, use ‘File -> Refresh’ (F5). When the language is changed, only the Channel Titles column will be reloaded
Multiple selections are now possible. If you want to select a whole folder, just left click the header once.
Added Splash Screen with ProgressBar to show the loading status (can be disabled)
Added Option to remove all folders
Added Option to refresh single folders
New Icon (Thanks to NeoRame!)
Bugfixes and tiny improvements
Application will now ask you to download a new version, if available
Italian translation added (Thanks to Tetsuo Shima)
Spanish translation added (Thanks to putifruti) (Incomplete, 2 sentences still Eng)
Norwegian translation added (Thanks to pesaroso)
Added Oct 21, 2009, Under:
Da ShAmAn is an intro in the style of the Amiga demoscene. It demonstrates a number of graphical techniques and effects while playing .mod music.
Added Oct 21, 2009, Under:
libgeck is a very small lib that you can link your programs with that should aid in debugging. Just link this in the makefile with -lgeck and put the .a and .h files in their directories in your devkit folder. Since this is a wrapper for the libogc functions, you need to link that as well. Or you can just copy the .c and .h files to your project and #include them. The Gecko must be in slot B.
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