Gianas Return WIP (iPhone misc)

Giana’s Return aims to be a sequel of “The great Giana Sisters”, an alltime classic game published by Rainbow Arts many many years ago.

Apparently there is an iPhone version to come…


ZodTTD has showed interest in making a port of Giana’s Return to the iPhone once it’s done. Of course this will depend on his schedule and on the public demand.

ZodTTD’s answer at the blog:

It’s official. I would love to see some more support of this awesome project. Bringing it to the Apple iPhone and iPod Touch will give this game a wider appeal too.

Be sure to show your support as well.

Great job devs! 🙂

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Gianas Return WIP (01-06-2008) (GP2x Game)

Here are a bunch of news straight from the Giana’s Return homepage. Giana’s Return aims to be a sequel of “The great Giana Sisters”, an alltime classic game published by Rainbow Arts many many years ago.


Desert World completed! (01-06-2008)
…our beta tester Mulle will lay hands on it during the next week. We are waiting to have the recent changed integrated into a new beta. He also might do a video, depending on his schedule.

All 8 levels of the “Desert World” are of medium to high difficulty, you need to do a lot of careful jumps and overall everything is adjusting difficulty wise.

Giana goes iPhone? (01-06-2008)
ZodTTD has showed interest in making a port of Giana’s Return to the iPhone once it’s done. Of course this will depend on his schedule and on the public demand.

World 5 – Screenshot galore (29-05-2008)

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ruBooks v0.921 (iPhone Application)

ruBooks is an application similar to but with a lot of enhancements.


Text search

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Frodo DS (23-05-2008) (C64 emu for NDS)

Frodo DS is a ort of Frodo a Commodore 64 emulator for the Nintendo DS by GPF.

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SDLHana (DC Game)

SDLHana is the japanese cardgame Hanafuda for Dreamcast, written using SDL.

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FreeCnC WIP (DC Game Port)

Mekanaizer is currently porting “FreeCnC” a free Command and Conquer remake to the Dreamcast.

Video in Action:

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OpenBOR v2.1933 (DC misc)

Open BoR is a port of “Beats of Rage”. It’s an marvellous fighting engine with plenty of modifications available.

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OpenBOR v2.1933 (GP2x misc)

Open BoR is a port of “Beats of Rage” and the enhanced OpenBOR for the GP2x. It’s an marvellous fighting engine with plenty of modifications available.


New Features:
* Official OpenBOR Logo, Menu and Icons is now in place. Thank You Fightn Words!
* All new Menu for Windows/Linux/PS3/GamePark (Other platforms will be upgraded too!).
* Two Types of Window Releases (DLL linked executable and the new Single file executable).
* Previews for Mods are now available within the menu!
* Music playback for mods are now available within the menu!
* Logfile Viewer is now available within the menu!
* Auto detection for widescreen mode is now done for menu.
* Auto detection for Windowed/Fullscreen mode is now done for menu.
* Automated Build system now compiles every platform including XBOX!
* Menu now automatically boots to mod if only one mod is found. (Great for mod creators!)
* Updated Credits screen, to reflect Fightn Words contributions.

Bug Fixes:
* Bilinear & Bilinear Plus Widescreen filters are now fixed.
* Special Animation is now being checked properly (No longer a required animation).
* Engine Crash while Switching filters during mid-level now FIXED!

Known Issues:
* GP2X controls are screwed up! Need testers that provide quick feedback! Otherwise it remains broken!
* New filters still need to be implemented officially into PSP, Dreamcast, XBOX and GP2X.
* Switching filters in options does not update screen until I leave current menu (Only applies for MMX filters). Currently investigating
* Probably a whole lot more I’m not aware of….lol
* Delete settings.sav prior to using it!!!,0,0,0,20,2302

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Pikix – VJ Software (8th Release) (GP2x Application)

Pikix is a VJ Software for the GP2X. It features two layers mixing and classic VJ softwares options.,0,0,0,6,1913

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Termula2x v0.2.0 (GP2x Application)

Termula2x is a UNIX terminal emulator for GP2X, including vi text editor. It supports background images.


* Full terminal features, including the vi text editor.
* USB keyboard and GP2X F-200 touchscreen support.
* Customizable interface.,0,0,0,8,1893

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