Despertar del Cementerio v5 (PSP Application)

Despertar del Cementerio is a universal unbricker tool for PSP, coded by Dark_Alex.


Changes in version 5

– Now installs 3.90 M33-3 instead of 3.80 M33-5
– Integration with timemachine in case it is installed.


– Beginning at this version, DC uses same iplloader than timemachine which usually doesn’t require to mspformat the memory stick.
However, in some memory stick it may still be necessary.
Just run the program and if you find an error, run mspformat and try again.

– Copy DC5 to PSP/GAME/

– Download 1.50, 3.40 and 3.90 update eboots and copy them to ms root with
150.PBP, 340.PBP and 390.PBP names.

– If you have a PTF custom theme set, quit it before running the program.

– Use the app under a cfw with 2.x or 3.x kernel (be sure that kernel is
selected on recovery to the correct one (2.x or 3.x))

– IF timemachine is installed in this memory stick, the program will ask you which button(s) you want to boot DC5, otherwise no buttons will be necessary.

– Now you can delete 340 and 150 PBP’s, as they won’t be used more; but 390.PBP
will be used for unbricker, so don’t delete it.

– Now you have an universal pandora ms ready to go, and you just need a proper
battery. If you have 1.50 kernel access, use c+d tool. Otherwise, use corly149 tool.

Battery and ms will work on all psp and slims to this date.


– Press X to install 3.90M33.

– Press O to install original 3.90

– Press [] to dump nand to nand-dump.bin. When done, psp will auto shutdown.

– Press L+R+HOME+start to restore nand from nand-dump.bin

This proccess is very dangerous, and you should *just* use it if it’s your
last chance to get it working.

This is a physical restore process (not a logical one), and will try to make
a 100% exact clon of the dump.

If you are working with a dump that isn’t yours, you will get either a brick
or a corrupt idstorage, depending on the firmware.

If while you are restoring your psp have got any damaged block more than
when you dumped it, you might also get a brick, depending on what block is it.

Works for both PSP and PSP Slim.


Note: If you are gonna use the memory stick to restore a psp other than the one that created it,
check if the file /TM/DC5/registry/act.dat exists in the ms. If it exists, remove it, otherwise the restored psp may not be able
to buy psn games until the user doesn’t delete from flash2 the act.dat of the other psp. (act.dat files are unique for each psp).

Note that act.dat will be restored to the moment of the MS creation.
If you have bought other PSN game later, the act.dat file may have changed and if you restore the old one, you may loose the latest bought game.
Backup flash2:/act.dat each time after you buy something from the PSN!

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Pwnage Tool WIP (iPhone Application misc)

On 29th March key members of “The iPhone DevTeam” demonstrated the long-awaited software application “Pwnage Tool”. The demonstration took place at the iPhone 3.0 party which brought together hundreds of iPhone hardware and software enthusiasts.


The software is a self contained application (for MacOS 10.4.x and 10.5.x) that allows all current models of the iPhone device to be “Pwned”. This term (in relation to this software) refers to the patching of the stock bootloader so that it will allow the execution of unsigned code and circumvent code-signing checks. “Pwnage” only needs to be performed once to allow the additional features on the iPhone.
The application also processes and modifies existing Apple archives so that unique, custom rolled firmware bundles can be installed onto the “Pwned” iPhone directly from iTunes.
These ”.ipsw” files can be created and patched by the application to allow third-party modifications such as activation, application installation, baseband modification, custom phone graphics etc.
The tool works automatically on box-fresh (OTB) 1.1.3 and 1.1.4 iPhones and requires minimal interaction from the user.

The tool also ships with an iPhone application that is automatically installed and run on first boot (if the user requests it) that is called “BootNeuter”, This will enable “Bootneutering” of the iPhone baseband allowing custom firmware to be installed. Arbitrary secpacks and fls files will be accepted when the device is in this state, please refer to the application help file for specific information.

If the user has access to developer versions of the iPhone software (such as 1.2 or 2.0) provisions have been made to support this software and allow it to be used on any device. This will be useful for legitimate SDK trialists to install their software on more than one device, this should not be used unless you are an official member of the SDK programme.

High quality videos of the presentation are available in both English and Russian.

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Interview with Zibri (iPhone misc) had a chance to catch up with Zibri, the creator of ZiPhone, a popular iPhone jailbreak/unlock solution, and ask him some questions about the present and future of ZiPhone, as well as some questions that he needed his crystal ball for.

Follow the link to read the interview.

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ZiPhone v3.0 (iPhone Application misc)

Zibri updated his amazing unlocking/jailbreaking software ZiPhone.

New Features:

– No more need of fix nvram!
– Solution for GREYED wifi!
– No need for YouTube Fixes!
– Embedded apps installer!
– Customized plugins !

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Sidds WIP (C64 emu for NDS)

Alekmaul, a well known french homebrew developer, is working on a brandnew project called Sidds. It’s going to be a C64 emulator for the Nintendo DS!

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Agenaworld v1.6 (PSP Game)

Agenaworld: A “Homeworld” type of game. Agenaworld is an original multiplayer PSP to PSP game that allow you to command a spacecraft to other galaxies and visit all nine planets (plus the sun). In addition, the game backgrounds are real 24bit/pixel large space images that scroll in the background (courtesy of Hubble telescope). Try to reach Earth! Click on link above to download. Press the “Triangle Button” to use the “spacegate hypercube” gravity assist.

Release notes:

In Agenaworld 1.6, the major fixes are double buffered FULL 720×480 24bit color output to the TV (when run on your slim). Note that this release requires that your set up the game folder to be running the firmware 3.x homebrew code (as opposed to firmware 1.5). It should run fine on both the fat and slim versions of the PSP.

Another update is the ability to output proportional fonts! What this means is that character sizes are not fixed width (like in Agenaworld 1.5). If you press the left trigger or right trigger button, you should get a screenful of text that shows off how nice it looks in proportional font. You will notice this for words that contain wide and narrow characters (characters “i” and “w” are at the extreme points of narrow and wide characters).

Also, this version fixes the problem people may have reaching earth if you are running on Slim output to the TV (the spacegate cube was off screen).
This version moves many gates on the maps. The algorithm for calculating the location of the gates so they are fixed at the same place whatever the screen size will be fixed in the next version, but basically, in this version you should be able to reach every place in every galaxy. Also the starting point is now at Earth, this way you can see familiar planets before venturing out into the different galaxies.

I tidied up the code, and the game resembles more and more like a game engine rather than a game. Soon, it will be able to load in a file with all the map and gate info. Gates are like teleporters to different places on the same map or to different maps when you press the Triangle button when touching them. You enter one gate and exit another gate (looks like cubes on the map). In the future it should be easy for people to place gates on their own custom maps.

I will explain some technical details of what I changed in this release to make 1.6 work.

In the previous release, I mentioned that the PSP had only 2MB of vram memory. Well, apparently, the PSP Slim actually has 4MB of vram. What this means is that you can use the whole 4MB for your display buffer (the buffer that connects directly to your TV or PSP LCD screen). Apparently, this extra 2MB is only available on the Slim for homebrew if you call a kernel function:


That call will open up the whole 4MB for homebrew. This function call was put into a newer version of dvemgr.prx (which the original was released by the maker of the M33 custom firmware).

As you can see, there is no need to move the display buffer to display from the system memory anymore, and since the old fat psp didn’t have the ability to output to the TV, the original double buffered 480x272x32x2 LCD display code fit in the 2MB vram limitation.

Concerning the proportional fonts, I was able to design four different types of fonts. If you open up splash.bmp in an image editor, you will see what looks like four lines of fonts (with some lines interleaved with a line of blank blocks or numerical blocks right below it). If you wish to follow along below, please do open up splash.bmp now, so you can get a better understanding of what is being described.

The first font line is 6 pixel wide by 8 pixel tall of fixed width font. I allow 106 different characters per font, and start it at ASCII code 32 (the “space” character).

The second font line is 4 pixels wide by 8 pixels tall of semi-fixed width font. “Semi” in that the majority are 4 pixels, but I allow an extra 4 pixels for characters that need more than 4 pixels. I put this extra 4 pixel wide info in the font line right below the second font line. This line allows more than 106 characters of font data, but I only implement the first 106.

The third font line is a proportional font that I did not implement in the game, after finding out that it was easier to code using the last font type (the fourth font type). In this type, I basically used 4 pixels wide to hold the data, and if extra are needed it gets expanded to the next character. The problem with this method was that you had to put in extra code to know where the start of a character was in the bitmap, and without a fixed starting location, it gets very tedious since each font character data can start anywhere based on previous fonts that used the extra 4 pixels.

The fourth font is also a proportional font, and this got implemented in the game. The font data were shifted left so that it is at the leftmost position on the font grid. This allows narrow font characters to use up the least amount of space when output. All fonts character blocks take up 6 pixels, but during actual copying, the number of pixels to copy (width) are listed below the font (you can see all those numbers which indicate the actual bit width).

The game can actually display all three font types concurrently, but in the game you see the fourth type (proportional) throughout. The fonts look nice, and I am thinking of porting it so that it is used as a text reader application if the need arises.


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Call Firewall and SMS Blocker v1.4 (PPC Application)

“Call Firewall and SMS Blocker” for WM5/WM6 Pocket PC & SmartPhone, basically rejects unwanted calls.


a. Accecpt all calls – pretty self explainatory
b. Accept call from My Contacts only – accepts calls from contacts only, others are rejected
c. Reject all calls – pretty self explainatory
d. White List – accepts calls only from the white listed nos
e. Black List – accepts all call except from the black listed nos f. Black List Pattern – any no STARTING from the black list pattern list is rejected. for eg. if you enter “123”, so all nos STARTING from “123” will be rejected this is a very nice option with which you can block nos from any particular network, country, city , area or whatever you can think of.
f. There is also an option to reply with an SMS.


1. Selective Call Barring.
Now you can restrict selected outgoing calls.
2. Add outgoing calls as Appointments.

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Cropper v1.0 (PPC Application)

This is a small application codded in VB.NET for cropping contact photos by selecting the desired part of the photo.

– Open, save and crop PNG, JPG, GIF, BMP files
– Read contact photos form PocketOutlook

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irClone v0.5 (PPC Application)

irClone is an application that lets you IRC on the go, without actually connecting to an IRC server. It is essentially a way to connect to your home mIRC client and chat through it, run its commands, and best of all keep all your channel and query buffers synched to your phone. It was designed to be able to connect and disconnect freely and let you never miss a beat when it comes to what’s happening in your channels. You can even take pictures and videos and instantly share them with your friends.

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Android Location v0.01 (Android Application)

Android Location will be a revolutionary social mapping service to change the way people use mobile phones to keep in touch with their friends. It will facilitates real-world interaction between friends and puts an end to frustrating missed connections.

Using location-based technologies, Android Location lets you know where your friends are by automatically updating maps on your mobile handset. Android Location even lets you send messages to nearby friends or receive automatic alerts when they’re nearby so that you never miss an opportunity to meet. Android Location also lets you journal your life so that your friends can see what you’re up to. With Android Location, mobile subscribers put themselves on the map.

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