Pandora Preview Video (Pandora misc)

EvilDragon has released a rendered preview video of the Pandora. It’s not the actual model (and the keyboard is just a preview and doesn’t have anything to do with the real keyboard).


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Yie Ar Kung-Fu Remake (Genesis Game)

Yie Ar Kung-Fu has been remade as fan game / remake for the Megadrive/Genesis. Check it out!

Thanks to tomman for the (indirect) news 😉

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Placamaster 68k v1.30 (Genesis misc)

tomman has relased an update to his “Venezuelan license plate generator” for the Genesis/MegaDrive.


– Full code rewrite in the latest and greatest BasiEgaXorz version (1.24_rev3):
+ Plate generation engine and customizer module 99% free of nasty bugs
+ Rewrite using subs/functions – up to 5% slower, but easier to mantain
+ Replaced most string handling functions (Left$/Mid$) by direct string array handling – faster and less prone to crashes
– NEW: You can now select the state for MINFRA plates with custom serials! Or if you want, you can still use state autodetection, based on the plate’s serial (now plate-type dependant)
– Now customized serials (and those from plates shorter than 7 characters) are perfectly centered into the plate
– Customized serials max length now depend on the plate type
– Fixed a minor bug in plate information: Miranda/Merida state plates were being detected with the “wrong” state (crossed wires
– Minor fixes here and there for minimize those annoying “artifacts” on scene “transition”/drawing routines
– Minor redesign to the font used to draw plate serials: more cleaner and rounder

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Mandelbrot Wii (Wii misc)

This is a Mandelbrot set generator available for Wii and Windows platforms.


You can load it with Front SD ELF Loader, I haven’t tried the other possibilities but they should work.
A – zoom
control pad – move
L,R – change palette
X,Y – change number of iterations – use to get more details
start + Z – resets to loader

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GPU v0.0.5 (XBOX 360 misc)

tmbinc has updated his GPU library.

Release notes:

First, here are the promised slides for my Breakpoint 2008 presentation about “Gaming Consoles for demosceners”: breakpoint-2008-slides.pdf

Then, I’ve updated my GPU library a bit. The biggest thing was a rewrite of the interface, so now it’s all encapsulated into a nice API. I’ve also added some features (stencil buffer ops, drawing with index buffers), and fixed a LOT of bugs (for example vfetch patches on more complex shaders). The updated GPU library, included the mentioned “spinning cube” example, is available.

Also, I’ve ported some existing code to my library. A simple test scene looks like this:

This is a per-pixel lighting shader with stencil-based shadow volumes – and obviously 3 cubes. I thought it looked nice enough to put it here.

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Time Baby v13d (PSP Application)

Art updated his clock/time application “Time Baby”.

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QBert (A2600 Game)

jbs3000 is currently at the task to bring QBert to the Atari 2600 as homebrew remake.

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PSP Firmware v3.90 M33-3 (PSP misc)

Friends of costum PSP firmwares might be happy ot hear that Dark_Alex has updated his M33 firmware for PSP. Grab it from his page!

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Goomba Color (29-03-2008) (GBC emu for GBA)

Goomba Color is a GBC emulator written for the GBA. Even though the GBA usually natively plays GBC games, Goomba Color provides the convenience to run multiple games from a flash cartridge, and also runs on the Nintendo DS and Game Boy Micro.


* Rearranged VRAM and allowed more leeway in games crossing past page #0
* Frame Rate counter now visible
* Optimized memory reads by 1 cycle
* Fixed LCD status polling for real (Final Fantasy Legend 1&2 work again)

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Net (GP2x Game)

Rotate the blocks to complete the network without any “unpowered” blocks. This is an SDL port of just the “net” game, part and port ort of the “Net” game from Simon Tatham’s Portable Puzzle Collection, customised for GP2X.,0,0,0,25,2529

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