Golden Axe Remake (DC Game)

Here comes a fully blown Golden Axe Remake for Dreamcast using the OpenBOR engien.

This game was initially made for Windows by Chinese OpenBoR coder utunnels. Christuserloeser merely did a huge part of the RAM related optimizations for the Dreamcast port and also recorded the music modes.

utunnels helped a great deal with the Dreamcast version too. He vastly optimized the script language in OpenBoR and did many other engine related code optimizations to allow the game to run on the Dreamcast’s 200Mhz CPU and 16Mbyte RAM. (In the future we will use the DC’s 8Mbyte Video RAM and 2 Mbyte Sound RAM too).

Thanks to for the news.

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CS Portable v0.73 (PSP Game)

CS Portable is a Counter Strike fangame, based upon a Quake 1 engine.

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Ashura The Hedgehog (Demo) (PSP Game)

waywardson has released “Ashura The Hedgehog” for PSP. This version currently features two levels.

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Function Plotter (PSP Application)

Function Plotter can plot functions. Press select to call the osk and select to hide it. Press square to plot the function.

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PSAFE v1 (PSP Application)

TRStealthX relased a new PSP Application to the public called PSAFE.

Read on:

It sucks when a PSP is stolen, it really does. Well, it won’t suck as bad once you have DZ’s PSAFE installed. When installed and configured properly, your PSP will know exactly when it’s not on your computer, or at your house. So if it ever gets stolen, it’ll send you an e-Mail along with the thief’s IP address so you can call local authorities, or hack the living crap out of the thief’s computer – whichever one your prefer. Of course we don’t encourage illegal hacking, but you know, if someone stole something of mine…never mind.

Just download PSAFE below, and keep yourself protected! You never know when you’ll need it. More information included in the README file.

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Hexaxis XXI (Update 9) (PSP Game)

Hexaxis XXI Update 9 has been finalized a while ago, but was not released to the publich, which changes by now.

Release notes:

Hey Guys!

I updated Hexaxis XXI a couple weeks ago but didn’t release it due to forgetfulness so here it is:

Youtube Video:
Download Link:

If you love this game – Please donate! Paypal: tim @

Added 3 major items:
1. Help System
The help system is accessible anytime during play by pressing select. If you select the standard mode, it will already come up. To navigate simply use the left trigger and right trigger. There are 13 steps in the how to play steps. To hide simply press select again.

2. Pulsating Combo Dice
When you create a combo, the dice pulsate both in color and size to show when they are going to switch to red. This will help people to plan out their moves a bit more wiser.

3. 3 MORE LEVELS for a total of 7!!!
Space Dye Vest
Sleepy Spudgy
Tornado Card
Re-added Hippie Tie Die (Tie Die Hippie) with slightly different look
Re-added Mercury 42 with slightly better look
Added Big Business (one of my favorites!)

All the levels have their own music and background along with color scheme for the dice.

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PSPKVM v0.09 (J2ME emu for PSP)

PSPKVM is a KVM to run J2ME applications on PSP.

2008-02-09 20:19 v0.0.9

– Support 3.XX kernel now, tested on my PSP-1000 3.71m33 & 3.90m33 :).
– Add fake functions for WMA2.0/1.1, many games that need WMA API will can be run now.
– Add functions to “String Midlet.getAppProperty(String key)”, can run “Cang Shen Lu” now.
– Add functions for command bar.
– Add a function to load the last selected device when restart, thanks to Shawn Winnie for suggesting it.
– Add a new key “L+Cross -> CLEAR”, thanks to Jörg Westphal for suggesting it.
– Disable some unnecessary exceptions.
– Fix a OutOfMemory bug.
– Fix a bug when decode some images with transparent color, thanks to asenchai for reporting this.
– Fix the bug when display some specific letters, thanks to SOUDAN Gael for reporting it.
– Fix the bug that “SELECT” key don’t respond sometimes, thanks to Anton Buckov for reporting it.

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Chrystal Chase (NDS Game)

Here comes a small game called Crystal Chase. Goal is to clear the crystals on the game field.

Thanks to for the screenshot.

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DSgf v2.11 (Alpha) (NDS misc)

DSgf allows recording and reviewing go games with your favorite portable console.

Feedback can be left here:

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Quake II DS (R1) (NDS Game Port)

Quake II made it finally to the Nintendo DS!

Current Status, as of 9/2/08:

The Game
every single level within the game can be loaded and played in single-player mode
there is currently no wifi multiplayer

the game can be run with either the demo or full retail pak files
there is full control configuration
there is an on-screen keyboard for use in-game and with the console
there are eight “touch-buttons” which allow you quick access to in-game functions
both manual and automatic game saving works
mods and total conversions do not work, and are unlikely ever to – however new levels can be used

nearly-all of the graphical effects have been have been moved to the DS’ 3D hardware
most world textures are rendered correctly
particles are supported, however sprites are not
animated model skins are properly supported
although the game does not use lightmapping, dynamic lighting is fully-functional

there’s a full-blown custom ARM7 sound effects system, and it totally r0x0rs

the sound system uses proper spatial positioning (it is stereo though…) – plug it into your speakers and subwoofer to hear all the effort I put into this!

The Catch!
Unlike Quake 1, there is simply no way of fitting Quake II into the memory configuration of a stock DS. To play the game you must have a supported slot-2 flash card that contains a minimum of 16 megabytes of RAM.

Supported cards:
‘Proper’ SuperCards, eg the Lite, SD, MiniSD, and CF. The SuperCard Rumble and SuperCard One are not compatible.
‘Perfect’ M3s, eg the Lite Perfect, the Mini SD Perfect, and the SD Perfect. The Mini SD Pro, SD Pro, and Lite Pro are not compatible.
EZ-Flash cards which have a slot-2 component and can play GBA games over 32MBit, eg EZ 3-in-1, EZ 4, EZ 5
G6 Flash

Note: the game will not run without a slot-2 RAM. There will never be a version of Quake2DS that does not require extra RAM.

Overclocking Slot-2 RAM: Slot-2 RAM is very slow and the performance of the game greatly depends on the speed of your RAM. Luckily some cards can be overclocked to improve the game’s performance.

However, not all cards are made equal and cannot handle tighter timings. To more robustly find out if you RAM is capable of an overclock, please try memtestARM from

If you can overclock your card, make sure you choose one of the faster memory options when the game first starts up.

Thanks to for the news.

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