Added Jan 29, 2013, Under:
Cascade Beneath by ThatOtherPerson is a simple fall down clone. You just move from side to side and try to let the platforms push you off the top of the screen as they slide up.
Release notes:
Here are two more updated games of mine. Both have online scoreboards (don’t forget to go check your scores by hitting the network button in the bottom right corner of the home menu) and all the other coolness that my other recent releases have had. They are really ports of the PS3 ports of the original games. So they don’t use SDL anymore and look (and probably play) slightly differently from their previous Wii versions. Neither of them has music (as I remember it the Cascade Beneath music wasn’t very good anyways).
Added Jan 29, 2013, Under:
WiiXplorer is a multi-device file explorer for the Wii by Dimok using graphics by NeoRame and a customized libwiigui as base for the GUI. It has several additional features to execute various of filetypes like on an actual explorer.
* USB2 support with IOS58 or IOS202 installed
* SMB/USB/SD/DVD recursive copy/move/delete of files/directories with all files in it
* FAT/NTFS/EXT2/EXT3/EXT4 files systems support
* GUID Partition Table (GPT) support
* Rename files/directories
* Properties of files/directories
* Browse through SD/USB/SMB/DVD/WiiDisk
* Addressbar with path
* Multilanguage with custom font support
* Boot .dol/.elf files
* Playback Wii/GC Game Videos
* Stylish Music Player
* Supported Image Formats: PNG/JPEG/GIF/BMP/TPL/TGA/TIFF/GD/GD2
* Imageoperations zoom/slideshow
* Image converter which converts the supported formats to: PNG/JPEG/GIF/BMP/TIFF/GD/GD2
* Screenshot support at any point of the app in different formats
* ZIP/7zip/RAR/BNR/U8Archive/RARC browsing and decompressing
* Properties of archive files
* Add files/directories to a ZIP or create new ZIP files
* Textediting support
* PDF Viewing support
* Format SD/USB primary/logical partitions to FAT32
* Integrated FTP Server and FTP Client
* MD5 Calculator and Logger
* Start BootMii
* Auto-Update feature
TilEm is an emulator and debugger for Texas Instruments Z80-based graphing calculators.
It can emulate any of the following calculator models:
* TI-73 / TI-73 Explorer
* TI-81
* TI-82
* TI-82 STATS / TI-82
* TI-83
* TI-83 Plus / TI-83 Plus Silver Edition / TI-83
* TI-84 Plus / TI-84 Plus Silver Edition / TI-84
* TI-85
* TI-86
TilEm fully supports all known versions of the above calculators (as of 2012), and attempts to reproduce the behavior of the original calculator hardware as faithfully as possible.
In addition, TilEm can emulate the TI-Nspire’s virtual TI-84 Plus mode. This is currently experimental, and some programs may not work correctly.
Widelands is an open source (GPLed) real-time strategy game.
* Four Worlds (Tile Sets) (Greenland, Winterland, Blackland and Desert)
* Three Tribes (Barbarians, Imperials and Atlanteans)
* Several playable single player (tutorial) missions
* Maps for single and multiplayer mode
* Save and load of single and multiplayer games
* Ability to build a settlement from scratch
* Military and warfare (Attacking, Training, defending, conquering of military buildings)
* A map editor, to build your own maps and campaigns
* Removed unneeded libs, fixed (i hope) replay not saving.
CannonBall is an enhanced Out Run Engine. Althought not an emulator it uses graphics and music via the Arcade ROM of Outrun Revision B. Most certainly the commercial ROM is not included.
* Analog controls ! Activate them in the setup menu. They are currently hardwired to Wheel on left Nub and Accelerator/Brake on right Nub.
ptitSeb ported PPSSPP to the OpenPandora handheld. PPSSPP is an open source project, licensed under the GPL 2.0 (or later).
PPSSPP is a PSP emulator written in C++, and translates PSP CPU instructions directly into optimized x86, x64 and (soon) ARM machine code, using an efficient JIT compiler.
PPSSPP can thus run on quite low-spec hardware, including stronger Android phones and tablets, as long as there’s support for OpenGL ES 2.0.
* In sync with official v0.6.0 release
The Atari++ Emulator is a Unix based emulator of the Atari eight bit computers, namely the Atari 400 and 800, the Atari 400XL, 800XL and 130XE, and the Atari 5200 game console. The emulator is auto-configurable and will compile on a variety of systems.
aMule stands for all-platform eMule file-sharing program. It is affiliated with the eMule project and was forked from xMule on 08/2003. It connects to the eDonkey2000 network.
The Mini Slug Project by Clément Corde is a tribute to the Metal Slug Series and uses a lot of ripped graphics. Ported to Pandora by ptitSeb.
The Mini Slug Project is composed of three missions, where each mission is divided into a number of levels. The first mission is similar to the series, but then forks and offers some unexpected gameplay.
* Added a pause InGame menu, to pause / quit qame.
Locomalito‘s game L’Abbaye des Morts ported to Caanoo by Farox! The gameplay is directly inspired by Manic Miner and Jet Set Willy.
In the 13th century, the Cathars, who preach about good Christian beliefs, were being expelled by the Catholic Church out of the Languedoc region in France.
One of them, called Jean Raymond, found an old church in which to hide, not knowing that beneath its ruins lay buried an ancient evil.
Updated to version 1.3. Fixed the jump bug. Some more fixes and improvements.