Category: Miscellaneous
PDRoms headquater is moving to a new location (misc)

Dear visitors,

Yeap, it’s right… the PDRoms headquater is moving to a new location. This might result into a news delay over the next two weeks. Painting walls, getting Internet at the new location and many other things are ahead of me 🙂

Thanks for your understanding!


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PDRoms Coding Competition 3.99 – 3 weeks left (misc)

Currently we do have a coding competition here on PDRoms and there are almost full three weeks left.

Competition running time: 24th January 2008 to 2nd March 2008
Deadline: Sunday, 2nd March 2008 @ 23:59, in YOUR timezone!

Systems allowed: Atari 2600, Coleco Vision, Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance, Game Gear, Genesis/Megadrive, GP2x, Intellivision, Master System, Neo Geo Pocket, Neo Geo Pocket Color, Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES), Nintendo DS, PC Engine, Playstation Portable (PSP), Wonderswan, Wonderswan Colo, Neo Geo CD

Topic: Create any kind of childproof game (no pr0n, racisms, extraordinary violence and adult humour, …) by using maximum four colors only on screen at once per scene (this could be a level, menu, etc) (also applies for dual screen systems – 2 screens count as one unit). Black, white, grey do count as color! You can choose your four colors freely. If your game features music and/or sound fx is up to you.

Good luck!

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Dear Wraggster,

If you are supposed to get “inspiration” from my page, I would appreciate proper and full credits for EVERY news item. This also applies if you get “inspiration” from other places such as for the recent releases at GPAIN, etc… If 90% of the homebrew webmasters can give proper credits, you should learn this too.

A year ago you were fighting with others to stop misuse of homebrew, these days you are misusing homebrew on your own. You better go back to your honest roots.

Don’t pretend to help homebrewers, simply because
* Hotlinking pictures is stealing – you wont help anyone with this -> bandwith stealing!
* Not giving proper credits is stealing.
* 75% of your news are “borrowed” all over the net or are “rewrites” in your own words, which is stealing again.
* A page having such a bad combination of picture advertising and text advertising, combined with the shitload of affilation codes – what did you effectivly put back into the scene? Just don’t tell it just covers your plain costs.

Everyone with eyes in his head can see this… your page is plain commercial, you have become plain commercial – this is what you never wanted to be. Congrats!

– Kojote

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New news record in January 2008 (misc)

Dear visitors,

the homebrew scene is very active and so was PDRoms. In January 2008 we had over 630 news, which makes around 20 news daily.

It’s a great feeling to see so many people putting their love and effort into homebrew. As usual the major news were for Playstation Portable, iPhone, Nintendo DS and GP2x. Android is still lurking in a corner and waiting to break out.

Another amazing thing, PDRoms has gained more and more attention these days, which makes everyone of the team really happy and motivated. We will try to improve even more, but of course we can not do this alone. We need helping hands. Tell your friends about PDRoms, help spreading the word about homebrew and let’s try to grow together.

PDRoms is still a non commercial project, unless other pages who pretend to help homebrewers, but make a decent amount of money by posting lots of hardware review gossips with hidden affilation links and tons of banners. Of course we understand everyone who tries to get his costs back, so did we severall times in the past by displaying one or maximum two banners from time to time (currently none) – but everything has it’s limits and luckily everyone is having his own mind, to sort out the good and bad buddies.

Our current “Thank you” to the scene is the PDRoms Coding Competition #3.99, which is located here:

Some more surprises are comming up the next week, so stay tuned!

Kojote & Team

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Homebrew Heaven (misc)

A new user appeared at the PDRoms webboard and pointed at a page called “Homebrew Heaven”. It’s mainly for 3D0 which is not covered by PDRoms and few other systems.

Leave feedback here:

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TehSkeens New Years SkeenTest (misc) are having a sort of “guide writing competition”.


Contest Details

The details are pretty straight forward. Thanks to dCiSo’s suggestion this will be a “Guide Making Contest”. That means the best five guide authors will win. Guides? Yeah, you know – How to install this, how to run this, how to dump this, how to build this, etc … Of course the guides must be “scene modification” related. We don’t really care how to build your own giant rat trap.

Guides will be judged on their content including photography, screen-shots, layout, spelling and if they actually guide a user through a process that works. Guides must be original and can’t be copied from another site even if it’s your own work. Guides must be in MS Word, HTML or PDF format. If they are in PDF format they must not be password protected. Once you submit a guide it becomes our property, but we won’t go removing your name and credits or anything from it. You can submit as many guides are you like.


Here is an example of an excellent guide ->

Not you will help the homebrew / modification scene with your knowledge, you will also have the ability to win one of those prizes:

1st Place

Memor32 USB PS2 Memory Card
M3DS Real Nintendo DS Entertainment Unit
D2CKey Nintendo Wii Chip
$50 Gift Certificate for Extreme-Mods

2nd Place

Memor32 USB PS2 Memory Card
M3DS Real Nintendo DS Entertainment Unit
D2CKey Nintendo Wii Chip

3rd Place

Memor32 USB PS2 Memory Card
M3DS Real Nintendo DS Entertainment Unit

4th/5th Place

Memor32 USB PS2 Memory Card

Head over to for details!

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Brakkens Blogcast (misc)

Brakken, webmaster of started a “Blogcast” – talking how he came into the modification and homebrew scene along with interesting information about tehskeen itself.

Release notes:

I’ve just uploaded my first “BlogCast” which is sorta like a “Podcast”, but better. Well, whoever came up with the name “Podcast” was an idiot because it’s just a damned audio file with some idiots rambling on about his life, kids, job or pets. Well, in this case it’s me rambling on about my life, how I entered the “scene”, started TehSkeen and founded Of course it’s me so there’s a lot of shit talking ass cracking to go around.

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PDRoms Coding Competition 3.99 – Update (misc)

Due to request NEO GEO CD is now allowed. As we don’t have the raw files of the banner anymore, we will not change the banner but go ahead if you love Neo Geo CD coding!

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News service partitially back (misc)

Dear visitors,

First of all, thanks for all the wishes and congrats for the “new” webmaster 😉 The past few days were really an interesting expirience, after all you don’t get father every day 🙂

Also thanks Brakken and Guyfawkes, who even posted about this on their main pages, I and my wife are really happy – and of course our baby too. I will try to get back on everyone, I’ve seen a thread on and probably other pages too… Just allow me some time to respond, it’s hard to catch up and now there are additional important matters than homebrew 🙂

As I have no idea how much spare time will be left from my side, the news might slow down, or I manage the additional work and nothing will change. Time will tell!

Again thanks for all the wishes!

– Kojote & wife & baby 🙂

PS: For those who asked, it’s a baby boy.

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New Webmaster (misc)

Sort of… 😉

50cm, 2.810kg and healthy!

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