Wertago (Android Application)

Wertago is the mobile application nightlifers have been waiting for – a single application that shows you up-to-the-second information about what venues are hot, helps you coordinate plans with all your friends, lets you share content and influence the social scene, and enables you to connect with socialites all across the city. Nightlife will never be the same!

Wertago leverages Android’s powerful APIs to offer users rich content and functionality such as location-based search results.

Wertago uses Maps API to present gorgeous map views.

Wertago also uses Android’s APIs to present personalized profiles that enable social networking.

Authors: Kelvin Cheung, Teresa Ko, Peter Ree, Robert Sarvis, Douglas Yeung

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TuneWiki (Android Application)

TuneWiki plays audio and video while displaying synchronized lyrics or translated lyrics. It allows for a music based Social Network where users share music information with friends and can sync and translate lyrics directly from their phone. TuneWiki displays music maps that show songs playing in the same GPS location and can navigate the map to any other location in the world to see what’s playing there. It also creates music charts that shows top songs in GPS location, or of any country or state. TuneWiki allows connectivity to Open-Social where users can share what they are playing in real time and allow friends to send feedback to the handset.

The music and video playback abilities for content found on the phone storage and Android’s “Always on” internet connected platform empowered a creation of a virtual library. The music and video can be local or “in the cloud” and play normally, it can be part of any play-list or ad-hoc, played from maps, charts, or recommendation.

GPS powered the localization reporting of music consumption. The Native Google Map shows what plays where and by whom, and the native YouTube player allows the virtual library (any music that played anywhere by anyone) to be shared via the maps and the community.

On the WebApp side, Google generously allowed us to hook their translation engine to translate lyrics on the fly. OpenSocial allows sharing across multiple social networks. Google Map allows sharing with Android-less friends.

Author: TuneWiki Inc.
Additional Contributors: Rani Cohen, Chad Kouse, Zach Hobbs, Jared Fleener, Amnon Sarig

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Softrace (Android Application)

With Softrace people around the world meet online to compete against each other in different physical activities. Races can take place in real time, just like traditional races. In addition, races may be constructed from already completed races allowing users to select their opponents and race on demand. Location varies, some races run along predefined tracks while others allow you to run anywhere in the world, in any direction. It is like a computer game, except that you are not controlling the player, you are the player.

Android’s Location API is a necessary feature to sample the user’s location at a certain frequency. The data is used to figure out how far the user has moved since the race started, making it possible to calculate his or her position in the race.

The Maps API allows users to see where they are or where they are going during the race. The Maps API is also used when races are revisited in the Diary.

The Softrace Stats feature is taking advantage of Android’s SQLite database where completed races are stored. The database is queried to reveal interesting statistics about the user’s performance.

Authors: Staffan Kjellberg, Thomas Kjellberg

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PicSay (Android Application)

PicSay allows you to quickly add word balloons, titles, and props to the pictures you have taken with your mobile phone camera. Enhance them further with various color correction, highlighting, and distortion effects, and then easily share them with your friends and family via e-mail, your blog, or photo sharing sites on the web.

PicSay uses various Android UI components and animations to create an intuitive interface that is fun and easy to create pictures that speak.

PicSay performs picture uploading in the background and uses Android’s notifications system to inform the user about the status of the upload.

PicSay does reverse geocoding using Android’s location API to provide the user with address information that can be used as text for his or her picture. Great for creating holiday pictures!

Author: Eric Wijngaard

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Locale (Android Application)

Locale allows you to create Situations, which specify Conditions under which your Settings should change. For example, your At Work situation might notice when your location condition is 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, and triggers your ringer volume setting to vibrate. Locale is an innovative way to simplify your life.

Locale allows users to manage and create locations using an intuitive interface based on the Maps API. Locations can be moved and re-sized using a touch-based drag and drop interface. Locations may be used to specify conditions and may also be reused by other applications.

Users specify locations, times, and other conditions to trigger on. Location conditions utilize Android’s location API for high precision GPS positioning. Conditions may also communicate with other parts of Android via Intents and ContentProviders for a highly integrated system.

Users also specify which settings to change once conditions are met. Utilizing the open nature of Android, Locale is able to control all the standard settings available. Further, Locale is highly extensible by supporting third party settings plug-ins.

Authors: Carter Jernigan, Clare Bayley, Jasper Lin, Christina Wright
Additional Contributors: Jennifer Shu

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Life360 (Android Application)

Life360 uses a multi-channel messaging system and neighborhood-centric social network to keep you up-to-date and in contact with your family and local community. Fire warning in your area? You’ll hear about it right away and can instantly let your entire family know you are safe. Dog ran off and you want to ask your neighbors for help? Post a request on the map that everyone nearby will see.

Using Android’s always-on networking capabilities, Life360 can ensure you always stay in contact with your family and know when important events happen in your area. Unlike most emergency alerts, these are specifically customized to you.

Track your family on the map, know everyone’s status instantly, and access their important medical information and emergency profiles. Get in an accident? Life360 monitors the accelerometer to detect if you are in a collision and automatically displays your emergency data onscreen when you need it.

A location-based message board where you can ask for help and assist others. Unlike other social networks, this one isn’t about interacting with friends, but helping your neighborhood overcome challenges as a group. Need help in a hurry? Push panic and we will notify everyone nearby.

Authors: Chris Hulls, Dilpreet Singh, Luis Carvalho, Phuong Nguyen, Steve Potell

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GoCart (Android Application)

GoCart informs the shopper. It bridges the gap that exists between shopping online and shopping at the store. GoCart is your shopping cart on-the-go. Users can scan the barcode of any product using their phone’s built-in camera. Once scanned, it will search for all the best prices on the internet and through the inventories of nearby, local stores. After scanning a product, users can also read online reviews or even create price alerts to help monitor price drops. Also, organize the products you’ve scanned into wish lists that can be shared with your friends on your social networking profile page.

Scan the barcode of any product using Android’s built-in camera, GPS and location aware features to search for the best prices from both online and nearby, local stores.

Wish lists will help you stay organized. Save the products you’ve scanned into categories you define. Build a list for brainstorming gift ideas for the holiday season. Build another list for your own wedding registry. Any list can be shared with your friends on your social networking profile page using Google’s OpenSocial API.

Price alerts will inform you when the price of a particular product drops within your range. Get these alerts sent directly to your phone’s email inbox. If it’s from a local store use the Android phone to call the store directly or even get directions using Android’s built-in mapping application. If it’s being sold online, use the web browser to buy right from your phone or even email the link to a friend.

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Ecorio (Android Application)

Ecorio allows the user to accurately calculate their travel carbon footprint. Given awareness of their travel carbon footprint, the user can take action in three ways: Reduce, Inspire, and Offset. The Reduce section of the application suggests carpooling and public transit alternatives for the trips the user has taken or is planning in the future. The Inspire section lets users share tips or stories on steps they have taken to reduce their own energy consumption. The Offset section allows users to invest in carbon reduction projects and offset their carbon footprint right over the phone.

Android’s background GPS capability allows accurate always-on tracking of the user’s travel carbon footprint, and suggests carpool and transit options.

Ecorio uses Android’s Maps and Locations API to show Location Based tips on how to reduce your carbon impact.

Ecorio uses Android’s web and secure networking capability to enable purchase of carbon offsets right over the phone.

Authors: Jeff Kao, Gary Pong, Robert Lam, Taneem Talukdar
Additional Contributors: Jason Wong

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Compare Everywhere (Android Application)

Scan a barcode to instantly check if that “sale price” really is a good deal. Read reviews to find out if those hiking boots will last a lifetime, or fall apart next month. Keep track of shopping lists, wish lists, and more.

Use the built-in camera to effortlessly scan barcodes, making shopping a breeze.

Compare prices across dozens of stores in only a few seconds.

Use GPS to find nearby stores, then call them directly, or find driving directions using Google Maps.

Author: Jeffrey Sharkey

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cab4me (Android Application)

cab4me enables you to easily call a cab to any location worldwide. You do not need to know the number of the local cab company. You do not need to enter or even know the address you want to be picked up at. You do not need to place a call. With cab4me you can order a cab to your current location with a single click.

cab4me integrates the Google Maps component provided by Android. This enables the user to select their cab destination by simply moving the map. Cab4me shows places where cabs usually wait as overlays and uses geocoding extensions to find and display addresses.

cab4me uses the location awareness of Android (GPS and cell-based), to make it easy for the user to order a cab to his current location without the need to know the exact address or to know the name of the cab company.

cab4me integrates the phone’s contact list to select pickup locations. It can initiate calls to a cab company and uses notification services to inform the user about the current cab order status.

Authors: Konrad Huebner, Henning Boeger

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