Speed (NDS Game)

Speed! is a simple first-person game where the goal is to race through a maze as fast as possible.

Speed! is a port an old Amiga game. It features the original’s graphics, gameplay and music. It runs on Mac OS X, Windows, Linux and the Nintendo DS.

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Stop at 500 (NDS Game)

STOP AT 500 is a classic game that is wonderfully remade in this new classic, STOP AT 500 for the Nintendo DS. Featuring nostalgic console-like graphics, this game will provide addicting, hours of enjoyment to come. The objective of STOP AT 500 is simple. Simply press the touch screen when the counter reaches exactly 500. If you pressed the counter and it stops at 500, congratulations! You are the winner. If the counter is under or over 500, though, you lose.

Although the objective is simple, the achieving of this goal is difficult to master, because of the fast nature of the counter. This puzzle will endlessly confuse you as you are addicted to the game, constantly attempting to find a better way to reach exactly 500. For the Nintendo DS, the game has been remade to use the unique feature of the Nintendo DS – the touch screen.

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systemTest v0.1 (NDS Application)

systemTest is a system tester: You can see the language, time, color and much more!

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SunOL v0.3b (NDS Application)

SunOL is an apllication to view/read the NDS release list. It allows you to view all informations about games along with boxarts and screenshots.

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JOYity (Android Application)

JOYity is a platform for designing and running a new kind of mobile game. Players interact with the platform itself and with other Players (either via platform or in real life). The Games use location-based services in order to make Players leave the sofa to complete Quests and meet other Players. Game Designers can design their own Games using the Android device as well.

Since JOYity Games usually make intensive use of location-based services, the platform utilizes the GPS and map features of Android. JOYity reacts to the Players’ position and movement. For example, the Game might include riddles asking for a sight close to the current position.

JOYity uses many different media for user communication. For example, the Player might watch a picture and hear an audio file and get information both ways. The Player needs to combine the information to perform the next task.

The Android device is not only used for playing, but also for designing new Games. JOYity combines the WebView with other native Android features for the Designer application.

Author: Zelfi AG

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IMEasy (Android Application)

Equipped with handwriting input, video chat, map marking, graffiti and multi-share, IMEasy offers a fresh mobile chatting experience as well as extending “touch” with friends. If people want to chat with friends by handwriting, use IMEasy. If people want to show a travel plan to a friend just like holding a map and a pen face to face, use IMEasy. If people want to draw paintings or share pictures with friends, use IMEasy.

For handwriting input, write across the right edge of the writing pad to input more. You can also drag the vertical bar at the right bottom out to start video chat.

IMEasy uses Maps API to display and combine maps with IM to make the map shown interactive.

Combine paint with IM to let friends do paintings together.

Author: Yan Shi

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iMap Mobile (TM) (Android Application)

iMap Mobile (TM) delivers weather information to the phone at the moment it is relevant. When traveling, iMap Mobile TM) shows high-quality radar images and lightning strike data on the Android map interface and updates it as you move. iMap Mobileâ„¢ allows you to see the current weather conditions, and detailed and extended weather forecasts for your current location. iMap Mobile (TM) sends you a notification when your phone enters an active severe weather watch or warning area and cancels the notification when you leave the area or the event expires. You can monitor the same weather information for multiple locations.

iMap Mobile (TM) displays high-resolution radar images and the locations of the most recent lightning strikes on the Android Map interface and allows you to pan, zoom, and loop the images. Touching the lightning icon displays the location and the time of the strike.

iMap Mobile (TM) customizes weather information for your present location using Android’s Location services. This includes: the opening screen, where current conditions for your location are displayed; a map interface that displays and updates radar images and lightning strike locations as you travel; and location aware long-range and detailed forecasts.

iMap Mobile (TM) checks for severe weather watches and warnings, sending a notification through the Android notification systems when the phone moves into an active watch or warning area. You can pull down the notification window-shade and click to see the details for the event.

Author: Weathertop Consulting, LLC
Additional Contributors: Roland Schweitzer, Weather Decision Technologies, Inc. (WDT)

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gWalk (Android Application)

gWalk supports all 3 phases of a touristic experience by helping to plan and explore a tour in advance (Dream), by providing context based support, navigation and multimedia information while executing the tour (Action) and creating an individual diary with snapshots afterward (Memory). The tours can be calculated in advance or on the fly based on the current user-situation and preferences. Additionally, the destination can be discovered freely by a strolling mode. The application can adapt a tour if the original tour plan no longer fits with the current situation (e.g. removing or inserting Points of Interest).

gwalk does a location-based information presentation and context triggered tour-adaption using Android’s location API.

gwalk uses the Maps API to show current position and the next Point of Interest on a map.

Android’s multimedia capabilities are used to display images, play audio-content and take snapshots. The Network API is used to download and pre-load the content to the mobile device.

Authors: Klaus ten Hagen, Marko Modsching, Christian Klinger, Rene Scholze

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GolfPlay (Android Application)

GolfPlay has been created as an answer to the high demand existing amongst golf lovers for reliable, accurate and free software. Its objective is to give support to all the real time necessities of a golf player during a game. GolfPlay uses GPS location and an online querying site where it is possible to access their personal game statistics as well as a social network to exchange impressions with other users about the sport that links them: golf.

The GPS allows GolfPlay to display where the player is over a Google Maps rotated image using real and 2D visualization of the course.

The Maps API with some additional information about the holes’ location are used to calculate statistics (distance, number of shots, score and hole data calculations) and display them on Google Charts, which are accessed via the web. These statistics and reports are what makes GolfPlay a useful training tool for players.

Author: Inizziativa Networks
Additional Contributors: Juan Carlos Viota Garrido, Diana Garcia Rios

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FreeFamilyWatch (Android Application)

FreeFamilyWatch encourages and empowers individuals and families with technology-enabled information so that we can be diligent and stay vigilant about our personal and family safety. FreeFamilyWatch allows real-time notification for all within a family network and covers a wider safety net from unsafe neighborhood monitoring to weather and allergy watch for healthy being. It also allows for speed limit monitoring of reckless teenage driving and home monitoring for unattended electrical appliances and elderly care.

Using Android’s location API and map overlay, SafetyNavigator will show all the potential safety hazards ahead of your driving path so that you can mitigate safety risks by using an alternate route or simply staying vigilant.

FamilyMonitor, using Android’s powerful map imagery, reverse geo-coding, built-in phone dial and SMS API lets you know your family’s safety anytime, anywhere.

Using Android’s rich set of graphical components and secured network API, HomeMonitor helps manage your stress level when caring for loved ones by monitoring unattended electrical appliances and medicine dispensers.

Author: Navee Technologies LLC
Additional Contributors: Alan Lee, R&D and Creative Team

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