Wii News
Hypno Blast v0.1 (Wii Game)

Hypno Blast is an on rails psychedelic shooter.


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Scape v1.2 (Wii Game)

Scape is a puzzle game inspired by “World of Goo”.

Release notes:

Thanks to Cid2Mizard and EvilTroopa I saw there was a problem on Scape 1.1 which couldn’t launch because of its weight. So I just added the 1.2 version which fix this bug by now loading the songs from FAT.


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WiiXplorer (r199) (Wii Application)

WiiXplorer is a multi-device file explorer for the Wii by Dimok using graphics made by NeoRame and a customized libwiigui as base for the GUI. It has several additional features to execute various of filetypes like on an actual explorer.


* USB2 support with IOS58 or IOS202 installed
* SMB/USB/SD/DVD recursive copy/move/delete of files/directories with all files in it
* Backgound data transfer
* FAT/FAT32/NTFS files systems support
* Rename files/directories
* Properties of files/directories/archives
* Browse through SD/SDHC/SDGECKO/USB/SMB/DVD/WiiDisk/FTP
* Addressbar with path
* Multilanguage support
* Custom font support
* Boot .dol/.elf files
* Playback Wii/GC Game Videos (THP/MTH)
* Stylish Music Player
* Open TXT/XML files
* Supported Audio Formats: MP3/OGG/WAV/AIFF/BNS
* Supported Image Formats: PNG/JPEG/GIF/BMP/TPL/TGA/TIFF/GD/GD2
* Image Operations: Zoom/Slideshow/Rotate
* Image converter which converts the supported formats to:
* Screenshot support at any point of the app in different formats
* Browsing/Decompressing Archives: ZIP/7zip/RAR/BNR/U8Archive/RARC
* MD5 Calculator and Logger
* Textediting support
* PDF Viewing support
* Integrated FTP Server and FTP Client
* Auto-Update feature


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Heretic Wii v0.5 (Wii Game Port)

HHeretic is a faithful source port of the original Heretic game by Raven Software.


1. Extract the .zip directly into your apps folder
2. Copy heretic.wad into sd:/apps/HHeretic/heretic.wad
3. Launch the game using your loader.
4. NOTE: HHeretic needs space in the SD to write files during the game.


USB Support
GC Controller Support
Classic Controller Support
Wiimote and Nunchuk controls rewritten to take advantage of the Wiimotes IR
Fixed saving and loading
Other various bug fixes and tweaks


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Scape v1.1 (Wii Game)

Scape is a puzzle game inspired by “World of Goo”.


New version 1.1 available! I added the songs of the third and the fourth chapter made by Synthesis.


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ThemeShooter v2.0 (Wii Application misc)

ThemeShooter is a small application made to allow HBC theme creators to create screenshots of their themes to put on the HBC theme repository.


Text implemented, including colour read from theme.xml
Some positioning made more accurate
Improved “the Homebrew Channel” text
Missing images replaced with ones from “Dark Waters v2” theme by NeoRame, with exception of background.png, which MUST be present


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TetriCycle v0.6b (Wii Game)

TetriCycle is Tetris projected onto a cylindrical surface. Rotate the cylinder left/right such that the descending piece falls into place. TetriCycle is freeware, can be distributed freely and should never be charged for.


Added sound FX.
Added powerups to multiplayer. Please enjoy!
This game will be open sourced soon, at which point you can add your own powerups.


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WiiMC v1.0.9 (Wii Application)

WiiMC (Wii Media Centre) is an open source media player for the Nintendo Wii. The GUI is powered by libwiigui.


Ability to play virtually any video or audio format
DVD playback, with DVD menu support
Picture viewer
Music player
Online media support, courtesy of Navi-X
SD, USB 2.0, SMB, HTTP, and FTP support
Attractive libwiigui-based interface, designed with the Wii in mind

Release notes:

Another day, another release? Hopefully this doesn’t become a trend. Version 1.0.9 has been released to fix the bug with USB drives not showing up. If you’re using the channel, you must be sure to have the latest channel (1.4) installed for this to work.


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Scape v1.0 (Wii Game)

Scape is a puzzle game inspired by “World of Goo”.

Thanks to http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?t=12267&f=54 for the news.


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Yabause Wii UO v0.9.10 (Beta 7) (Saturn emu for Wii)

Yabause Wii is a Sega Saturn emulator for Wii and is the first of its kind as emulating the complex processes of the Sega Saturn is much harder then it looks and now even harder to run it on the limited hardware of the Wii.


– based on the original yabause r2604
– change mounting method of fat for stable mounting (retry three times)
– some minor fixes and changes


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