Pocket PC News
camro updated his application MailHandler, based upon ImapPusher.
+ mail handling for getting emails via standard mail programm (poutlook) in defined time scheduling
+ multiple mail profiles
+ checking email via “Imap Idle” and via “Polling”
+ imap(143) and imaps(993) ssl
+ Polling in free defined time interval
+ Multiple Time Scheduling for mailhandling with options for:
+> switching on/off diff. connection things (RADIO, GPRS WLAN, BLUETOOTH)
+> email checking (using imapidle or polling)
+> multiple time plans for every mail profile with using diff checking interval (polling or imapidle)
+> multiple time plans for “external commands” executing incl. recycling
-> support now FOLDER (“INBOX” is default in settings) -> in theory multiple folders possible -> ex: if multiple then: INBOX;INBOX/Drafts;…..;
-> small bug fixing in connmanager
-> added new option for polling mailboxes from “mailhandler”
-> added new option for “imap idle active” (see settings)
-> added new option for “mailbox polling active” (see settings)
-> added new option for “polling recycle time” (see settings)
-> fixing of loading old settings file -> fixed
As all you know, in the latest builds of WM 6.5.x the position of start (Win) and close (X) buttons have changed from the task bar (on top of the screen) to the menu bar (bottom of the screen). Therefore, all the applications that modifiy the behaviour of this buttons do not work anymore.
AMeBa (Adapting Menu Bar) for WM6.5.x is a little application to customize the default behaviour of those buttons.
– Run as service.
– Tap on close button: customizable on HKCUSoftwarexTepAMeBaCloseTapAction.
– Tap&Hold on close button: customizable on HKCUSoftwarexTepAMeBaCloseHoldAction.
– Tap on start button: customizable on HKCUSoftwarexTepAMeBaStartTapAction.
– Tap&Hold on start button: customizable on HKCUSoftwarexTepAMeBaStartHoldAction.
– Posible values for close actions (CloseTapAction and CloseHoldAction):
* 0 = None: no action is done
* 1 = Default: default wm action (minimize app)
* 2 = Run App: launch a program (configurable on HKCUSoftwarexTepAMeBaCloseTapRun or HKCUSoftwarexTepAMeBaCloseHoldRun) with arguments (configurable on HKCUSoftwarexTepAMeBaCloseTapRunArguments or HKCUSoftwarexTepAMeBaCloseHoldRunArguments)
* 3 = Close: close the current app
– Posible values for start actions (StartTapAction and StartHoldAction):
* 0 = None: no action is done
* 1 = Default: default wm action (launch default honeycomb menu)
* 2 = Run App: launch a program (configurable on HKCUSoftwarexTepAMeBaStartTapRun or HKCUSoftwarexTepAMeBaStartHoldRun) with arguments (configurable on HKCUSoftwarexTepAMeBaStartTapRunArguments or HKCUSoftwarexTepAMeBaStartHoldRunArguments)
* 3 = QuickMenu: show QuickMenu menu (faster than runing QuickMenu.exe)
– Use HKCUSoftwarexTepAMeBaShowHoldAnimation to show (value 1) or not (value) tap and hold animation.
– Haptic feedback (not tested): customizable on HKCUSoftwarexTepAMeBaVibration. Posible values:
* 0 = None: no vibration at all
* 1 = During: vibration activated while taping (until releasing)
* 2 = End: vibration at the end of Tap or Tap&Hold (duration configurable on HKCUSoftwarexTepAMeBaTapVibrationTime or HKCUSoftwarexTepAMeBaHoldVibrationTime, set to 0 to disable one of them)
FacebookIM or short FIM is a facebook chat client for Windows Mobile.
* No changelog yet
Discussion: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=480365
camro updated his application MailHandler, based upon ImapPusher.
+ mail handling for getting emails via standard mail programm (poutlook) in defined time scheduling
+ multiple mail profiles
+ checking email via “Imap Idle” and via “Polling”
+ imap(143) and imaps(993) ssl
+ Polling in free defined time interval
+ Multiple Time Scheduling for mailhandling with options for:
+> switching on/off diff. connection things (RADIO, GPRS WLAN, BLUETOOTH)
+> email checking (using imapidle or polling)
+> multiple time plans for every mail profile with using diff checking interval (polling or imapidle)
+> multiple time plans for “external commands” executing incl. recycling
-> hard work for a small new option and some new fixes on comm manager
-> added a new option for using a connection as strict
(this does means, when you have choose to use: “GPRS Telekom” it will always only use this connection. Also if active sync is connected – it use then strict this connection. please update your settings
-> userspecific connection doesn’t work before – now it should also work.
-> small changes in tracer, to get more detail msgs
This application allows auto answer for incoming calls and automatically turns speakerphone on without pressing any buttons on Windows Mobile Professional devices.
Release notes:
MyCar Profile Version 0.5 – [Updated app to include icon & bubble notification. Added a new menu SHOW NOTIFICATION – if this menu is selected application status will be shown. If you don’t like notification, then uncheck this menu to remove application notification. Also changed is the main application icon.]
W.V.D. Web Video Downloader is the first software for Pocket PC that can stream or download online videos from web sites like YouTube. W.V.D. supports most popular online web sites and many adults sites. To stream videos, you need an external video player that support standard formats like (flv, mp4 ,…).
– Compatible with most popular websites.
– Search by keywords or categories.
– Support search results by detail or thumbnail.
– Support thumbnail animation to preview videos.
– Allows to stream* or download videos from websites.
– Support many video formats.
Compatible with:
– Windows Moblie 5.0 / 6.0 / 6.1
– Support VGA / QVGA
– Fix youtube
– Fix Metacafe
– Fix Tube8
– Fix Yuvutu
– Fix QVGA Skin
– Recompile with CF 2.0 (some problems with 3.5
Tasks Manila syncs with your Outlook tasks. It operates directly with tasks stored in your device.
+ list of tasks
+ completing tasks
+ adding new task
+ sorting tasks
+ save settings
+ landscape
+ deleting of tasks
+ supported: WVGA (tested), VGA (tested), QVGA (emulated)
– translations
– editing tasks
– red point at high important tasks
– fix overlapping text “due to” over checkboxes
– importance option on the main screen
– to remove the confirmation before deleting tasks and putting “cancel” option on the right menu button
– “new task” option in the menu with all options that task can have
– rewrite code to better form + speed optimalizations
– show only active tasks
– implement as a Manila tab
(and ofc your suggestions)
– when mode of deleting tasks user is still able to change their status (it doesnt effect the functionality anyway)
camro updated his application MailHandler, based upon ImapPusher.
+ mail handling for getting emails via standard mail programm (poutlook) in defined time scheduling
+ multiple mail profiles
+ checking email via “Imap Idle” and via “Polling”
+ imap(143) and imaps(993) ssl
+ Polling in free defined time interval
+ Multiple Time Scheduling for mailhandling with options for:
+> switching on/off diff. connection things (RADIO, GPRS WLAN, BLUETOOTH)
+> email checking (using imapidle or polling)
+> multiple time plans for every mail profile with using diff checking interval (polling or imapidle)
+> multiple time plans for “external commands” executing incl. recycling
-> working on re-connection (if manually truncate – also working now again)
if connection is not established, then reconnect and reset sockets
cu camel
-> tunup of debug ioptions
camro updated his application MailHandler, based upon ImapPusher.
+ mail handling for getting emails via standard mail programm (poutlook) in defined time scheduling
+ multiple mail profiles
+ checking email via “Imap Idle” and via “Polling”
+ imap(143) and imaps(993) ssl
+ Polling in free defined time interval
+ Multiple Time Scheduling for mailhandling with options for:
+> switching on/off diff. connection things (RADIO, GPRS WLAN, BLUETOOTH)
+> email checking (using imapidle or polling)
+> multiple time plans for every mail profile with using diff checking interval (polling or imapidle)
+> multiple time plans for “external commands” executing incl. recycling
0.68 – 2009-11-30
-> changed taskhandling to OpenNETCF (there is now an extra dll included, but is not much used – only used on Settings programm, so it doesn’t slow down the process
-> added new option for:
“socket check” -> is the time when recycle testing the socket if vaild
“socket read” after reading/listening on imap idle socket, there can be set now a sleep time (normally = 0)
“connection rechecking” recycle time for checking the internet connection
i would prefer to use: “socket reset”=600 / “socket read”=5 / “connectioncheck”=120
->did some error fixes on connection handling
The mySpot application provides access to the Spotify service on the Windows Mobile platform.
Works with any QVGA, VGA or WVGA device running Windows Mobile Professional (Pocket PC) 6.0 or higher.