Pocket PC News
SciLor has updated his fully skinable Tic Tac Toe game for Pocket PC’s.
-Enhancement: Some skinning added (editable GFX-Files)
-Enhancement: Squared field
-Enhancement: Game State complete as text at the bottom
-Fix: Disallow move while CPU is moving
HG-Proton is the first game based up the HG-Engine. It’s simple touch game for test your finger speed.
HighScores are saving!
Difficulty setup
New mode: Accept electrons
G-Sensor and Light can be turned OFF/ON
Improved graphics
Ather updated his simple clock application.
Only changelog available for the previous version for now…
Phone Creeper is a phone espionage suite.
Currently it has the following features:
To receive received call logs, send the following text to phone with this installed on it:
chetstriker getreccalls
To view sent call logs (even deleted):
chetstriker getsentcalls
To view received SMS logs (even deleted):
chetstriker getrecsms
To view sent SMS logs (even deleted):
chetstriker getsentsms
To change log size (for calls and sms, default:10 min:5 max:25)
chetstriker logsize number_between_5_and_25
To test if phone creeper is running (discreetly):
chetstriker turnonringer
To retrieve the external IP Address of your phone, assuming connected:
chetstriker getip
To receive last 10 call logs(even if deleted):
chetstriker getcalllogs
To receive live SMS notifications on SMS and CALL transactions:
chetstriker liveon
To turn off live notifications:
chetstriker liveoff
To lock PDA:
chetstriker lock
To run a program (exec is the program name):
chetstriker run exec
To run a program (exec is the program name, arg is any arguments added):
chetstriker run exec | arg
To setup FTP account to retreive without SMS (make sure you add space | space in between):
chetstriker setupftp url @ user @ pass
To setup FTP account (use this if not using default port 21):
chetstriker setupftp url @ user @ pass @ port
To setup FTP account (use this if ftp not saving to default base path):
chetstriker setupftp url @ user @ pass @ port @ ftp_path
To receive any log by ftp, you can pre-seed any get command with ftp:
chetstriker getcalllogs would become chetstriker ftpgetcalllogs
To add call blocking: (communication either way with specified number will disconnect)
chetstriker addblk 8005551212
To add call redirecting: (if phone dials a specific nuumber it will cancel and dial an alternate number instead)
chetstriker addredir ifthisnumbercalls sendtothisnumber
To remove call blocks:
chetstriker delblks
To remove call redirects:
chetstriker delredir
To get contacts: (from memory)
chetstriker getcontacts
To get appointments:
chetstriker getappts
To get tasks:
chetstriker gettasks
To set emergency SMS number:
chetstriker setemerg 8005551212
To get phone info: (IMEI, username, email, radio version, etc.)
chetstriker getinfo
To get gps location and google maps link:
chetstriker getpos
Deletes Contacts, Appointments, Task:
chetstriker deleteaccts
Displays command list:
chetstriker help
To delete all SMS messages:
chetstriker delallsms
To delete received SMS messages:
chetstriker delrecsms
To delete sent SMS messages:
chetstriker delsentsms
To wipe your storage card:
chetstriker wipeflash
To send a fart:
chetstriker fart
To send a pop-up message:
chetstriker message “insert msg here, without quotes”
To create a silent callback through remote speakerphone:
chetstriker callback
To bounce sms off phone to someone else:
chetstriker bounce sms “phone number to send to” “message to send”
To send your eaves droping call to someone else:
chetstriker bounce call “phone number to send to” “message to send”
To change password:
chetstriker change “newpassword”
(Obviously change “newpassword” to be what ever password you want and don’t type the quotes.)
After you have changed your password, make sure you use the new commands accordingly. For example, if I changed the password to yellow and wanted to get call history. I would from now on type:
yellow getcalls
all results will be sent via SMS back without leaving any trace on the phone being controlled.
Any cell phone can be used to initiate the commands and all commands will respond with a success message for acknowledgement.
* getcalllogs is replaced with getreccalls and getsentcalls (the call logs have now been seperated)
* Hopefully fixed SMS log command getrecsms and getsentsms
* logsize command added to change sms and call logs to hold between 5 and 25 logs, 10 by default.
* Helo command added to test if PhoneCreeper is running. the chetstriker command is NOT used with Helo
* Hopefully callback command has been fixed for people who were previously hearing a ring.
* “Do you want to add this person as a contact” message disappearing bug fixed.
Groovefish will allow the most excellent Grooveshark music streaming service to be used on a Windows Mobile 6.x device.
Music player should be less buggy now.
Crash on exit should be fixed.
Music player now give more information when connecting to a stream.
More debugging information (will help the developer in debugging).
Two options added; Pause on headset disconnect and Pause on incoming call.
WeeWheel 1.16 is an application that uses the Acceleration Sensor (Accerlerometer) of your phone to simulate a joystick, keyboard and/or mouse on your PC!
This is an amazing utility which helps you to clean up the wasted RAM memory without having to restart the device and eventually saves a lot of time.
Release notes:
Addition to “Backup / Restore” feature you can now select and load default settings from reservoir list.
Fix all s2u2 issues, now you can enjoy working with S2U2 and cleanRAM together! (thanks p50kombi).
New registry key (s2u2Folder) added, this key will you define the right S2U2 folder.
New registry keys added, the first is “s2u2LockAfterCleanup”, this key will help you to lock your screen (using S2U2 application) after clean-up done. the second is “s2u2LockAfterCleanupSchedule” the same thing but work only on schedule mode.
Fix small issue with wake up device screen light.
More compatibility for Windows Mobile v6.5.
New strings for language file added (v1.7.7)
Compatibility for non-touch devices.
Languages files added to cab file (last update: 08.10.09).
Androkkid is a new Windows Mobile interface, with a lots of customization and a fully graphical design and animations for Windows Mobile 5/6 completely writed in .NET.
Created Battery and Signal Widgets
Created Photo Frame Widget
Added Hero Theme
Correct problems with wallpaper slide
Correct bugs with QVGA resolution and notification icon
Correct bug when click on icons more sensitive now
Added option to show balls page in Settings
When press center button in D-PAD now you go to start page selected
Redesign the bottom bar like Sense UI of HTC Hero with 2 new buttons, 1 to open menu and 1 to add icon or other objects
Added Show menu for contact when click on a contact in settings
Discussion: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=540428
TeleSketch is a sketchpad, not just a sketchpad, but Tele sketch. It means that you can share your sketch to your friends anywhere & anytime through email, MMS, Facebook or Bluetooth. It is easy to use, fun and fast.
HG-Engine is an OpenGL/ES holographic engine for Windows Mobile.
– Move function added
– Improved textures