Minigolf v0.05 (Wiz Game)

Minigolf written in Fenix, adjusted for the Wiz.,0,0,0,36,268

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Camelot Warriors v1.0 (Wiz Game)

Camelot Warriors is a platform arcade full of mystery, black magic and action. This retro game was released for ZX Spectrum first in 1985 and was ported to CPC and MSX later on. [Text by ],0,0,0,26,267

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Santamania (22-12-2009) (GP2x Game)

Ian Price has finished his Christmas game Santamania.

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TinyLoad v0.2 (Wii misc)

TinyLoad is a simple original Wii game launcher. You run it, it launches whatever’s inserted into the drive. Simple. It ignores game regions, so it’s region-free. It won’t install updates. It won’t load burned copies. There are no controls or settings.

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3DMaze v0.2 (Wii Game)

Imagine having a 3D labyrinth in your hands … you can rotate it in any direction to get a red ball out of it. Motion Plus is not mandatory but recommended.


Changed text font for better localization
German, dutch and french languages added
Solved bug in Motion Plus initialization (I hope)
Now user can choose beteen 6 views

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TowerDefense v0.50 (Wii Game)

TowerDefense is an classic 2D action game. Protect your base with all kind of defense systems and kill all the waves of enemies.


– Process most of the comments of the Beta Testers.
– Use GRRLib v4.2.0 as graphic engine.
– Reduced amount of enemies in one wave.
– Build game with devkitPPC r19 compiler.

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FTPii v0.0.20 (Wii Application)

FTPii is an FTP server for the Wii, giving people easy access to their SD cards without having to eject it from the Wii itself.


Make release ZIP structure compatible with HBC’s new wiiload.
Attempt to reinitialise network after failure.
Added OTP filesystem support at /otp (libotp).
Attempt to show real timestamps in directory listings.
Built with devkitPPC release 19, libogc 1.8.1 (r3846), libfat 1.0.6 (r3846).

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CustomizeMii v2.0 (Wii Application misc)

CustomizeMii is a 100% legal custom Channel creator for the Wii.


Added BNS conversion (Mono and Stereo, with and without loop)
Fixed MP3 conversion (some files didn’t convert)
Lz77 checkbox is now ticked by default
Removed Lz77 compression of sound.bin as most sounds will get bigger
Added ability to insert DOLs from any channel WAD
Added ability to re-add the interal DOL (To switch the NAND Loader)
Added ability to extract the contents, DOL, sound and all images
Added displaying of approx. blocks to the success-message
Deleted some functions of the complex forwarder as they weren’t working properly
Some bugfixes and improvements

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OhBoy v1.0.0 (Beta 1) (GBC emu for Wiz)

OhBoy is a Gameboy/Gameboy Color Emulator.

Release notes:

OhBoy is a Game-Boy/Game-Boy Color Emulator. Currently binaries are available for the GP2X Wiz. GP2X(F-xxx) and Pandora Support is planned.

It is based on gnu-boy 1.0.3. The core sources have not been modified in anyway but rather OhBoy provides a graphical front-end and GP2x-centric back-end tailored for portable gaming.

OhBoy is currently beta software and has been somewhat rushed (along with these docs) in time for Christmas but I hope you enjoy.


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Mushroom Roulette v1.3 (Wiz Game)

James Fletcher released a new version of his Mushroom collecting game!

Release notes:

A lot of improvements, the touchscreen is a lot better now you can drag the pen around the screen and the “man” will follow it.

Also I have added support for custom made levels where you can path sequence butterflys etc, the map editor can be downloaded from the new website:

I would be very greatfull to anyone who made any levels for mushroom roulette.,0,0,0,25,273

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