fixOperaFlash v1.5.3.0 (PPC Application)

This tool will automatically install and configure everything you need to run your Opera with Flash support. With other words: No need to install Flash Lite… Yes, just Plug&Flash!

Tested and working with:

Opera 9.5 builds:
1522, 1938, 1957, 2392, 15233, 15529, 15613, 15746, 15750, 16070, 16277, 16643, 16702, 16844, 16983, 17518, 17658, 17775, 17963, 18152
Opera 9.7 builds:
35166, 35267, 35393, 35432, 35443, 35461, 35523, 35541


Flash Library version
added Tools -> Advanced -> First Time Launch
added registry backup for newest 9.7 Opera’s builds (restore in progress)
added [Restore] and [Rollback] will affect all Opera’s root folders
fixed crash bug on initialize version of newest 9.7 Opera’s builds
fixed screen rotation bug

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Android v2.0 Source Code available (Android misc)

Google has released the source code for Android v2.0.


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Quadrax v0.5 (Wii Game)

Quadrax is logical game game where more than keen reactions you will need fast fingers and will have to use all your grey brain cells. Just only that way you can succeed in solving all the ninety levels, which the game has.

Quadrax was originally ZX-Spectrum game made around 1994 by Slovak company called Cauldron, which was later ported to PC (Windows).

This version of game is based on Quadrax IV: The Secrets of Pyramid PC-Windows version of game, which was simply ported from DirectX to SDL graphic system. Next it was ported to Linux-like systems and finally to the Wii (Still using SDL).


+ Multiplayer game added!!!
+ Characters are now controlled by Nunchuk joystick
+ Camera is controlled by D-pad
+ Better loading times
+ Engine log is created (file Quadrax.log)

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We Brew Wii (Wii misc)

We have promised the webmaster of “We Brew Wii” to mention his page as new Wii homebrew resource.

The page is worth mentioning, so let’s see how it develops.

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MPlayer for Windows Mobile v0.3 (PPC misc)

MPlayer is a very well known media player, now in an updated version for Windows Mobile.


1) Seprate releases for iwmmxt and armv4
2) Better GUI
3) Status box and Trackbar.
4) Fullscreen didn’t show any windows componet with DirectX.

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News Plagitarism (misc)

Our scene friends at Nintendomax wrote a few words about news plagitarism in the homebrew scene. Use a translator of your choice and go over it. The original french article is linked.

After the initial step of PDRoms to route our visitors to one of our very own “special” friends, as sign of silent protest, someone could say that most of the other sites covering homebrew should be entering a state of changing and understanding, sadly this isn’t the fact.

If you spend hours and hours looking for news manually or even with automized tools, which still require you to feed it with data, the least you can expect is a proper crediting as a small thank you.

Most scene pages don’t earn a single dollar and their staff works for free to bring you an appropriate service.

As people would say in a webboard: “Don’t feed the trolls!” – So go on, make your own opinion and decide your steps. We are not telling you to do anything, it must be really a decision of your heart.

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LynGOO v1.1 (Atari Lynx emu for Dingoo)

Spiller has been improving his Atari Lynx emulator LynGOO. This emulator is written for native Dingoo and does not require any Dingoo Linux (Dingux) install.


– Added screen rotation controls.
– Added sound on/off control.
– Added CRC32 checks to save/load state.
– CPU Speed set to 400MHz.
– Frameskip disabled; not effective.

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Gianas Return Dingux Porting News II (Dingoo Linux misc)

The Giana’s Return Team posted progress about the recent Dingux port attempt.


Slaanesh and Thor tried to hunt down the “segment fault” on Dingux. Unfortunatly it seems to be a SDL only problem and not a problem of the Giana’s Return source code. Our hands are tied for now 🙁

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GoSub (14-11-2009) (VB Game)

atari2600land has updated his maze/collecting item games GoSub, which has seen it’s initial release for Virtual Boy a while ago. Collect treasures with your underground boat in a maze!

There is also GoSub and GoSub 2 for the Atari 2600.

Release notes:

level 8 has been fixed. It was impossible to beat.

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PSPlay v1.0 (PSP Application)

PSPlay contains an acoustic guitar, an electric guitar, a bass Guitar, drums and a keyboard.


Dear user,

Thank you for downloading PSPlay Version 1.0
I’m happy to announce that PSPlay is approaching its 2nd birthday.

The game now includes:
Acoustic Guitar
Electric Guitar
Bass Guitar
Drums (improved)
Keyboard (new)

All the graphics for this game have been improved and there are now indicators so you can tell which note you’re playing.

How to install:

PSP Phat:
Place the “psplay” folder in the “GAME” folder if you have 3.xx/4.xx/5.xx kernel enabled

PSP Slim:
Place the “psplay” folder in the “GAME” folder

-Game now loads on both Slim and Phat, no need to download a seperate file for each system
-Drum sounds
-Graphics (menus, backgrounds, etc)
-Indicator (points to the note you’re playing)
-For some reason, that last couple releases included a lot of image files that were never used, those have been deleted.

To Do:
-Make an add-on feature (so users only need to download an add-on pack instead of the actual application each time)
-Re-record guitar instruments
-Take new pictures of instruments
-Fix bugs
-Add another octave in keyboard and eventually in guitars

Known Bugs:
-Drum beat cuts off after a little bit of playing along
-Loading takes quite a while

The controls have stayed the same for the previous instruments, but I’ll post them anyway for new users.

Cross: E
Square: F
Triangle: G
Circle: A
Down: B
Left: C
Up: D
Right: E
R-Trigger: Flat Chords
L-Trigger: Drum Beat
Start: Menu
Select: Screenshot

Cross: Bass
Square: Snare
Triangle: Tom 1
Circle: Tom 2
Down: Bass
Left: Snare
Up: Tom 1
Right: Tom 2
R-Trigger: Hi-hat
L-Trigger: Crash Cymbal
Start: Menu
Select: Screenshot

Cross: C
Square: D
Triangle: E
Circle: F
Down: G
Left: A
Up: B
Right: C
R-Trigger: Flat Notes
L-Trigger: Drum Beat
Start: Menu
Select: Screenshot

The new drum sounds and keyboard sounds come from Apple Garageband.
I’ve made the move to an Apple MacBook Pro, allowing me access to new audio, hence the wonderful sounding drums and keyboard.
PSPlay does not use the actual file used in garageband, but a recording of them. All rights to these sounds go to Apple.

This game uses LUA Player for the PSP, the eboot which loads these scripts has simply been edited to show the PSPlay logo and picture so it’s easier for users to find.

That being said, this game is open source, meaning anybody can change/manipulate the code to their liking. I do ask that you do not re-release without credit to myself of asking my permission, although I cannot control your actions.

Although influenced by many, this game has been created, revised, designed, birthed, payed, showered, driven, fed, eaten, etc by amrcidiot

There are many people/things I’d like to thank for making this possible.
Of course, Dark_Alex for giving me a platform to program on, and changing my life.
The makers of Audacity for making audio-editing simple.
The makers of GIMP for an alternative to Photoshop.
Apple for making Garageband.
Sir_Axxewraith for helping with beta on the PSP Slim.
Finally, Xsjado7 for making VDrum, the game that inspired my ideas and the overall feel of the game.

You can contact me the following ways:
AIM: amrcidiot
Email: bittybob2 @


Thanks to for the news.

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