How DCemu betrays themself (misc)

In most parts of the world you would say “One man, one word”.

Unfortunatly this does not apply to Wraggster of DCemu, a page which is well known, so it does not need more hotlinking…

Let me quote something Wraggster wrote on GBAtemp ( ):

Quote from Wraggster:

Congrats Costello on a great comp, any comp for the Homebrew community is always a great event and getting backing of multi national sites is great too, i speak for the rest of the staff at DCEmu and say we support 100% these comps (i dont do comps, too much bloody hassle 😉

I and many other homebrew fans out there wonder, why Wraggster still did not mention Brakken’s ongoing Wii Coding Competition (located here: ) on DCemu”s main page.

Is it just because he points out true things in the public, about Wraggster and DCemu, such as I did in the past?

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Femto VM (21-08-2008) (SMS misc)

Femto VM is a compiler that translates a Forth-like (and now also BASIC like) language into a compact bytecode, wich can then be run using the interpreter that runs on the Master System.

The interpreter is not yet complete.

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Retrogaming Times Monthly Issue 52 (misc)

Retrogaming Times Monthly #52 is available. RTM is a retro magazine, sometimes with focus on homebrew things.

Content of this issue:

NES’cade Gyruss
NES Realm – December 1986
Apple ][ Incider – The Apple ][ today – part 2 Summer Games
Who’d Win – Altered Beat vs Golden Axe
Old Wine in New Bottles: Midway Arcade Treasures 2 & 3

Thanks to for the news.

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Bankruptcy Builder (Coleco Vision Game)

In Bankruptcy Builder you’re leading a construction company, send workers to constructionsites, etc.

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Dungeon (RC3) (A2600 Game)

Dungeon is a dungeon game for Atari 2600.

Release notes from s0c7:

I still haven’t been able to replicate the problem on my system. However I would like to fix this if possible. All the varying hardware out there can make it difficult to have something universally compatible.

Try this version and let me know if it makes any difference on the TV that is giving you problems.

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Pitch N Catch (14-09-2008) (A2600 Game)

How to play:

Choose a play and watch it unfold, as your teammates run along their routes…

Get ready to pass the ball to an open catcher, and lead him to the goal zone!

But watch out for the blocky-blocker, who can intercept the ball and stop your catchers before they score.

Release notes:

here’s an updated version of the game 🙂

– Atarivox : changed some parameters to make the voice sound more ‘lively’

– eeprom : included Thomas Jentzsch updated I2C library – now you can load/save your plays with the Stella emulator, too

– ‘turn over’ message has priority over both ‘out of bounds’ and ‘time’s up’ messages

– new gameplay element: you now have 4 seconds to choose a play (and so does the CPU), otherwise you get a ‘time’s up’ ‘penalty’

– when the blocker tackles a catcher, it is slowed down due to the effort (this should make harder to go tackling both catchers at will – so to prevent the cpu pitcher from throwing the ball)

– at the end of the game, a simple ‘victory dance’ is performed by the winning team

Have fun !

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Super Mario 2600 (09-09-2008) (A2600 Game)

Wickeycolumbus is having an attempt to create a “Super Mario” style game for the Atari 2600. It’s currently in early stages and there is no actual gameplay.

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Juno First (RC1) (A2600 Game)

Juno First is intended to be an Atari 2600 port of the arcade game of the same name. Naturally the Atari 2600 version requires some significant simplifications, but the main elements are there. The visual style of the game is similar to Beamrider, but it plays quite differently.

The awesome sprite graphics were created by Nathan Strum, and the the excellent title music was created by Erik Ehrling (moderntimes99).

Release notes:

OK, here is the first Release Candidate for Juno First. The plan is to release it on a cart in time for the AA holiday sale (assuming there will be one this year!). The changes since last time are:
Fixed a number of screen jumps and trivial bugs.
Added some excellent AtariVox speech from mos6507.
The AtariVox now speaks the wave number at the beginning of each wave.

You won’t notice too many changes unless you have an AtariVox. As usual, I will be very grateful for any bug reports in this version, and it would be great if someone could test it on a 7800. I’m now declaring a feature freeze, but I’m still open to minor tweaks if there is anything that you find annoying.


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Weightman (A2600 Game)

Weightman is a weight lifting game for Atari 2600, coded by donnerkuh, in tribute of Germany’s gold medal at the recent Olympic Games 2008.

Release notes:

My demo has no difficulty-levels, it is only a tutorial, to learn the steps:

First step: joydown
Second step: hold joydown and press fire
Third step: hold joydown and stop pressing fire

Later, it will be harder and harder to do the three steps, and we will see if you a really good weight lifter, or not…

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Ruins (12-09-2008) (A2600 Game)

Random Terrain updated his Maze game Ruins.

Release notes:

Although the code is embarrassing to look at, I updated it so it will now work with the latest version of batari Basic. The code is unnecessarily bloated and hard to understand, so I’ll try to fix it up one of these days, but until then, at least the .bas file will run now.

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