GeoTerrestrial GPSToday v0.9.3 (PPC Application)

GeoTerrestrial GPSToday offers a mind-boggling array of intuitively accessible features hidden behind a unique and clever interface.

GPSToday installs as a today-screen plugin on your Windows Mobile internet-enabled device. At the most basic level, it keeps your GPS hardware primed whenever you need it. But that is only for starters. In general, it will significantly enhance the utility you derive from your device. Check the home page for a (nearly) full list.


Now quickly and easily set the desired fix interval without leaving the today screen!
Mph vs. Kph, Feet Vs. Meters
Allows disabling display of closest contact on today screen
Detects scrollbar on the today screen to prevent map button from getting obscured
Better handling of addresses with suite/apt numbers
Show company name if contact name is blank
Faster address book processing
And numerous other minor fixes/enhancements

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PSP-Maps v0.1 (PSP Application)

Here is an attempt to port Google Maps to the PSP with a simple interface. This program is not using the Google Maps API, it is retrieving the images directly.

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Time Baby v12g (PSP Application)

Art updated his multifunction clock & MP3 player application Time Baby.


– MP3 Player sleep mode implemented. PSP is suspended at the end of the playlist ready for the
alarm function to wake it up in the morning. Playlist is restarted on wake up, as well alarm sounding.
– MP3 Player will stop current track in single track mode, or skip to next track in playlist mode
when the PSP is woken from suspend with the mp3 player active.
– Implemented support for special config file that will cause the MP3 Player to be clocked at 333/333/166 MHz.
The second last byte can be changed to any value other than zero with a hex editor to use the fast CPU speed.
– Pause button on the headphone remote will announce the time once when the track is paused.
– Headphone remote can be plugged in at any time now the serial port is only activated in GPS time set mode.
– Various code fixes.

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PocketPiano (05-03-2008) (PPC Application)

PocketPiano is a “simple” Piano simulation.

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nombCrypt (29-02-2008) (PPC Application)

nombCrypt is an encryption program originally made for desktop PC’s but then the author decided to port it over for portable devices. It uses a password you provide and encrypts either a block of text or files using 256bit Rijndael (AES). This level of encryption was given the ok to encrypt Top Secret documents. It can of course decrypt as well. This is for Windows Mobile 6. Please enjoy and every developer of course likes to get back feedback.

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Perpetual v0.2 (PPC Techdemo)

Perpetual by Mollusk is a simple image zooming demo. You can zoom on any of the 200 images, and the pixels will turn into other images to zoom, perpetually.


– Fixed image bug when you have more than 256 images (that was stupid)
– Fixed potential crash when moving around too much
– PerpetualMaker updated, smaller exe
– Improved performance
– Uses only half as much ram now
– New image viewer to select start image
– Now over 300 images !
– New Image Pack maker : just put in any directory, and it’ll take all the images from images/ (still requires 240×240 jpeg images) and do a pack (.prp file)
– New splash screen, with possibility to select pack to display !
– Speed button : x0.5, 1, or 2
– Auto button for lazy people
– Surface button to come back to the unzoomed image

Thanks to Mollsuk himself for the news.

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Wii Linux Proof of Concept v0.2 (Wii msic)

The GameCube Linux team updated their Proof of Concept Linux for Wii.

Thanks to

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TetriAbetes v1.39 (PSP Game)

dragula96 has updates his Tetris game TetriAbetes once gain.


* Fixed a bug with ghost where it would appear above piece if piece was right under some blocks.
* Fixed Audio Loop Time Delay, music should loop after music ends and not right before.
* Fixed High Score bug, where High Score would not load the last Digit.
* Adjusted soft drop delays(the piece dropped to fast).
* Fixed Hard drop points added, now hard drop will give you 2 points for every square based on how far up you drop it.
* Adjusted Drop Delay on Piece(it was dropping to slow at start up).
* Adjusted delay for left/right auto repeat(just slightly-it was to fast).
* Adjusted Ghost transparency level(made it less visible for less confusion).
* Added Rotate Left Function(yes finally, press x to rotate left)
* Fixed a bug where level 10 was broken
*Removed sound event of when piece drops down(it gets annoying at higher levels).
* Adjusted Hard drop delay to 0.5 second(as requested by jungle-cat).

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Avoid It v0.1 (Beta) (PSP Game)

Carlos Desseno released a first beta of his game “Avoid It”. As the name of the game already implies, you have to avoid something.

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The new Trip of Peuppy v1.0 (GP2x Game)

Peuppy needs light, help him to find the most luminous part of images!,0,0,0,27,2439

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