CastleAttack (01-02-2008) (XBOX 360 Game)

News from bdev13:

Release notes:

CastleAttack is my tribute to Warlords (one of my favorite Atari 2600 games). The object of the game is to protect your castle from the ricocheting fireball while trying to destroy your opponents’ castles.

One to four players can play at once (the cpu assumes the remaining positions). There are three difficulty levels.

This project was developed using XNA 2.0 so you may need to download the update before you can load this project into your environment.

Full source is included. Versions for Windows and XBox 360 are included. I didn’t include the contents of the bin folder for the 360 (so that the zip file was small enough to be uploaded) so you’ll need to build the 360 version before deploying to your 360 (which you would probably want to do anyway)

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PSPMud v0.1.1 (PSP misc)

PSPMud is a mud client for the psp, based on Danzel’s Peldet 0.8.

Other release notes:

use D-Pad for basic movement (North, East, South and West)
Square = Enter Key (needed for scrolling pages)
Circle = OSK for entering your commands

you can connect to servers either by manually entering their address,
or by entering them into the provided servers.txt, so you only
have to choose them at programm startup.

more features in upcoming versions

PSPMud is compiled for Kernel 3.x

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Transport Tycoon Deluxe (01-02-2008) (GP2x Game Port)

ZodTTD and Senor Quack updated their port of TTD.


* You can now push and hold Control anywhere on a window and drag it. This
allows complete use of windows that won’t all fit on the small GP2X screen like Difficulty
Settings and Patch Configuration. Credits for some of the code goes to the PSP port author,
Jaime Penalba.
* Cleaned up window placements of difficulty settings and patch configuration.
* Fixed cut-off text and windows in newspaper articles.
* Added TTD’s UNICODE TTF support, made TTF font drawing default to better
support foreign languages (all except Asian languages which will need a
separate TTD2X add-on pack)
* Added cheat menu hotkey: A+B+X+Y
* Added new command-line parameters:
1.) -p XX changes the normal cursor movement rate to XX, values can be 1-29
2.) -P XX changes the fast cursor movement rate to XX, values can be 1-29
(defaults for both of these are 3 and 12 respectively)
3.) -X (capital X) allows swapping of triggers when in F200 controls mode
to be mouse clicks instead of the usual Control/Shift keys.
This is to answer a request from a few users.

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Super Mario Galaxies v0.8 (NDS Game)

cid2mizard updated his Super Mario themed space shoter fangame for Nintendo DS.

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Laser Hockey DS v0.3.1 (NDS Game)

Moose at Play updated his hockey game.


Added multiplayer buttons Join and Host
Added DS-DS initialization
Extra update when performing screen switches
Now drawing right before the V-Blank
Added status text on connection error
Wireless no longer turns on before it is supposed to

Thanks to for the news.

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Puzzle RPG (NDS Game)

Risike has released a new puzzle game for the Nintendo DS.

Thanks to for the news.

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Alien Breed WIP (GBA Game)

Mike Hawkins is working on a remake of “Alien Breed” for the Gameboy Advance.


For anyone who may still be interested, I am currently converting the old Amiga favourite Alien Breed for the GBA. It is being written in 100% assembler as are all my efforts. It is about 80% complete.

Mike has sent the FIRST screenshots of the WIP build to PDroms. Enjoy!

Update 15:12:
Now we even have a video in action: – kindly provided by the coder and uploaded by Kojote.

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Converter v0.19 (iPhone Application)

Converter is a units converter for iPhone coded by Vladimir Kofman.


– Now storing “recently used” units. So it’s much easier to work with long lists (like currencies). Currently the value is hardcoded (but will be configurable in the future versions).
– Localization support. Now the application can be easily translated (I’ve started with Russian and Hebrew).
– Numerous ui enhancements and bug fixes.
– For those upgrading to 1.1.3 – the application seems to work just fine.

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Blox – Testers wanted (GP2x misc)

iprice is looking for a beta tester of his new game Blox.


Hi all, I’m completely new to the GP2X, and I’m actually asking for help with regard to a working project.

I’m in the process of finishing off a puzzle game written for the GP2X

I’ve been writing it on a pc in GLBasic, however I’m not able to test my game on a GP2X (F200 only at the moment).

I’m asking for a genuine willing a dedicated volunteer (or two) to help test the game on a real F200. I’m interested in any/all bugs sound problems and gameplay difficulties especially with touchscreen control.

The final version will be freely available for any GP2X.

The file as it stands is less than 2Mb compiled(.RAR) so it’s not very big. The game is simple in concept, but becomes devilishly difficult, but hopefully still fun.

If you are genuine, interested and most importanly ABLE to test on a REAL GP2X F200 (the one with touchscreen), then please email/PM (if available) me.

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New news record in January 2008 (misc)

Dear visitors,

the homebrew scene is very active and so was PDRoms. In January 2008 we had over 630 news, which makes around 20 news daily.

It’s a great feeling to see so many people putting their love and effort into homebrew. As usual the major news were for Playstation Portable, iPhone, Nintendo DS and GP2x. Android is still lurking in a corner and waiting to break out.

Another amazing thing, PDRoms has gained more and more attention these days, which makes everyone of the team really happy and motivated. We will try to improve even more, but of course we can not do this alone. We need helping hands. Tell your friends about PDRoms, help spreading the word about homebrew and let’s try to grow together.

PDRoms is still a non commercial project, unless other pages who pretend to help homebrewers, but make a decent amount of money by posting lots of hardware review gossips with hidden affilation links and tons of banners. Of course we understand everyone who tries to get his costs back, so did we severall times in the past by displaying one or maximum two banners from time to time (currently none) – but everything has it’s limits and luckily everyone is having his own mind, to sort out the good and bad buddies.

Our current “Thank you” to the scene is the PDRoms Coding Competition #3.99, which is located here:

Some more surprises are comming up the next week, so stay tuned!

Kojote & Team

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