Closed v1.0 (NDS Game)

Ali Banana has dropped his project “Closed”, while Cobain was taking it over.

Changes (according to Mollusk):

updated the sources
added 1 enigma
added click between each one
changed the keyboard delete routine
and only 1 version for fat/no fat instead of 2

There are basically no “visible” changes in this release. More things to come.

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SoKo DS v0.4 (NDS Game)

Cobain has updated his Sokoban remake for Nintendo DS. The main post has not been updated yet, but the link to v0.3 already points at the correct file.

There are bugfixes along with a retouched menu.

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GMath3D v1.3.5.1 Library (.a) Update GD800 (GP2x misc)

GMath3D Library is a graphics library for GP2x. Includes 2D, 3D, Text, Time, Joystick, and Sound (ogg) functions. Includes working example code and .gpe files.,0,0,0,19,2349

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Alex the Allegator 4 (12-01-2008) (GP2x Game)

In the latest installment of the series Alex travels through the jungle in search of his kidnapped girlfriend. Plenty of classic platforming in four nice colors guaranteed!

This release fix problems for GP2x-F200 users.,0,0,0,35,2446

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PBSynth v0.1a (GP32 Application Source Code)

This is the complete source code to PBSynth v0.1a. It is possible to compile a GP32 program, a stand-alone Win32 application or a Steinberg VSTi instrument of the synth.

PBSynth was written by Christian Nowak, who wrote several things for GP32 mainly in the beginning of it’s release.,0,0,0,1,1057

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PSPCAP32 v1.3.3 (Amstrad emu for PSP)

PSPCAP32 is an Amstrad CPC Emulator for PSP.


– improve speed (+3 fps at 222Mhz)
– add new hotkeys :
. settings such as fps, delta_y or render mode
can now be directly modified inside the emulator
(no need to enter in the settings menu)
. quick save / quick load current state
(no need to enter in the main menu)
– bug fix in green/monochrome default settings

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PSP Flow (RC 1) (PSP Application)

PSP Flow is an application to imitate a “Cower Flow System”. More information in german language for those who care on it’s official release page.

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PSP-Hud v1.3 (PSP Application)

This is a plugin for PSP CWF 3.71M33-4 (update 4 is required) that displays some basic info on screen:
– CPU speed and CPU usage
– BUS speed
– battery status (percent and time left)
– local time

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Protect-Me (Final) (Revision v0.1) (PSP Application)

maxthebest updated his PSP protection program.

Release notes:

Hi all.
Here I release the first revision of the final version of protect-me
Here are the changelogs since v4.0
-Added an onscreen keyboard, so that it’s easyer to input the password. (only in the prx, not in the installer…)
-Remade a good part of the code (thanks to the keyboard…)
-Now you won’t see the XMB behind your password prompt, but just … a black screen.

To install it, follow the readme instructions (in english). (but that’s not hard, unzip it, run the eboot and activate the prx…)
Here is a quote from this readme:

Final version revison 0.1
By MaxTheBest
Your questions on http:/

-Unzip the archive at MS root
-Edit the vsh.txt file and add ms0:/seplugins/protectme.prx
-Set the password you’d like using the eboot installer (don’t do it if you don’t want to set a passwrod.
it’ll still save the history of power on…
-Activate the plugin through recovery menu.
-New eboot icones by j3r3mie

What’s new:
-now you enter the passsword with a keyboard.
-You can’t see the xmb behind the password.

DOWNLOAD Final V0.1:

For more informations, go:
Here for french speakers
Here for english speakers

If you want to tell me something, an idea or anything, contact me via PM or at my email:

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Wallpaper Changer (PSP Application)

The name’s the deal – this changes your wallpaper for the XMB, no more, no less.

Release notes:

And here we are:
HELLCATs Wallpaper Changer

The name’s the deal – this changes your wallpaper for the XMB, no more, no less

However you have a few features:
Two modes of operation: “Everytime” and “Once per day” (see readme for details)
You can set special, predefined images for a specific date (again, check readme)
(the last one lets you set a fixed wallpaper for the specified date instead of using an all random one)

That’s it.
Short and painless.
Maybe someone might like it

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