Custom Firmware v3.72 HX-1 (PSP misc)

A new custom firmware by _HellDashX_ is out using the 3.72 kernel.

Please keep in mind that flashing your PSP can brick it!

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Jpong v0.6 (PSP Game)

Jaklub has updated his Pong game for PSP.


* some minor graphical changes
+ Yoshi & Tricky mix in obstacles selecting
+ 4 bgs

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VNsea v0.5 (iPhone Application)

VNsea is a graphical VNC client for both the iPhone and the iPod touch based on Chicken of the VNC for Mac OS X.

Please note that server passwords are currently stored in plaintext in the preferences file and shown unprotected on screen. This will be fixed as soon as the client is mostly functional. Right now, functionality takes precedence over local security.


Numerous bug fixes and enhancements, including adding keyboard, right mouse, landscape, and zooming support. Many thanks to new project member Glenn Kreisel for all his hard work in this release!
Main screen reorganised a little.
There is a new preferences screen, currently a little empty. In future versions many more preferences will be added.
A controls bar has been added to the remote screen display. It has buttons for toggling the on-screen keyboard, modifier keys, right mouse, and zooming settings. The “X” button closes the connection. Tapping the system status bar will hide and show the controls bar.
Issue 5 : No Keyboard access
Issue 9 : Need to right-click
Issue 11 : Need option to disconnect from server
Issue 13 : Landscape support
Issue 15 : Use placeholder values for all server info fields instead of default values
Issue 16 : Screen Scaling would also be handy
Issue 17 : Validate server info fields when saving
Issue 26 : Server password field is not bulleted out
Issue 27 : Passwords are stored in plaintext in preferences
Issue 35 : Inability to cusomize port number
Issue 41 : No warning when deleting a server
Issue 50 : Show an optional target mark on the “click” hot spot
Issue 51 : Ask for password before connecting if password left empty in server settings
Issue 52 : Use a better keyboard layout for editing server settings
Issue 63 : weird hang when deleting lines from gvim
Issue 64 : Click “New Server” then Cancel..Leaves “new server” entry in server list
Issue 65 : Sort list of Servers

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iFrotz v0.7 (iPhone misc)

iFrotz is an Frotz Z-Machine interpreter for iPhone.


Smarter Auto-scrolling.
Bug fixes (fix periodic hang when selecting a new game after aborting, fix garbled text printing right after game auto-restore, misc. status line bugs).
Allow cursor in upper window (Bureaucracy).
Allow games to erase screen.
Support Trinity and AMFV by pretending screen width is 80 columns when these games are detected.

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gpSPhone WIP (GBA emu for iPhone)

ZodTTD is about to port the Gameboy Advance emulator gpSP to Apple’s iPhone! Here is what he had to say:

My W.I.P. port of the amazing GBA emulator gpSP (originally made by Exophase), has been given a name. At least until something better comes up, it is being called gpSPhone.

I have got input and the dynarec working. I am cleaning up the controls and making sure it runs ok. I am looking for some people to make a video of gpSPhone “in action”. If you are able to deal with an early build and make this video for me, please be sure to register at and let me know you’re interested via comments. Be sure to use a valid email and/or MSN when signing up. Thanks.

Well it took a few days of figuring out how to get the Toolchain 0.30 for iPhone compiled correctly. I finally got that done about 12 hours ago. Within the past few hours I’ve got gpSP compiled for the iPhone & iTouch. And best of all:


Now the catch is, I still have to implement controls for this port before anything is playable of course. I landed up just skipping the GUI for the file selector and hardcoding a rom path. That will change immediately once I get controls implemented. After that the next step will be sound.

Also keep in mind I am currently using the interpreter for this initial build. I will switch over to the ARM dynarec very shortly.

A huge thanks goes to Exophase for creating his very well made GBA emulator, gpSP. Without it, GBA on handhelds such as this wouldn’t be worth it.

Expect a release of gpSP for the iPhone & iTouch shortly, as in, within day(s).

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Colors v1.06h (NDS Application)

Colors! is a simplistic digital application for Nintendo DS based on modern painting-techniques developed for drawing tablets in programs like Photoshop. By taking advantage of the pressure sensitivity of the DS touch-screen it becomes a perfect portable digital sketch-book.

Thanks to for the news.

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PSPIRC v1.1.0 (PSP Application)

PSPIRC is a basic IRC client for the PSP.


– New graphics designed by Delight1 herself !
– Display all user flags in the user list menu
– IRC Channel name is now automatically added in command /TOPIC, /KICK and /MODE
– Command /MSG is now supported (alias to /PRIVMSG)
– Command/Text line history
– Command completion in the console window ! (see readme for details)
– You can now paste the name of an existing tab in the console line
– Bug fix in /TOPIC command (only the first word was taken into account)
– Bug fix in the new input line feature
(the text was messed up when line size was greater to the width of console window)
– Bug fix in the help menu (only first lines were displayed properly)

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Cave In (RC 1) (A2600 Game)

Atarius Maximus has released a release client of his game “Cave In”, which previously made it in the news as “Adventure Game”. The game is pretty comple.

Here are the release notes:

I’m nearly complete with my new Adventure game, which has been about 6 months in the making. It’s written using mostly batariBasic, however I’ve got a little bit of pure ASM in there, most notably for the high resolution titlescreen. It’s a 32k game and uses the superchip for a higher resolution playfield. It’s a quest type game with 160+ different rooms to explore and specific goals that have to be accomplished – I’m including the latest version of the instuction manual that has all the details. I’m also including a map of the game which is farily current, but some room designs have changed since I last updated it. Also, the current version of the manual has lots of spoilers, just as a warning. For more info about the game, check out the thread in the 2600 basic forum here:

The reason I’m posting here is I was hoping someone might be able to provide a little assistance with adding some music to this game – either in the titlescreen, in-game, or in the closing screen after you’ve beaten the game. Several people have suggested that the game would be much more ‘complete’ with some music, and unfortunately it’s beyond my skills as a programmer to create a song on the 2600 that anyone would actually want to hear. The titlescreen is already written in ASM, so it might be easier for an experienced programmer to plug in a song in that portion of the game. I’ve included that code as a separate attachment. I realize that it’s a pretty big favor to ask, and if no one is up for it that’s ok. I still wanted to share the game with everyone who frequents the homebrew forum.

I like the game as is without any music, but adding it would defintitely put a finishing touch on it. Any other comments or suggestions are welcome. Is there anyone here who might like to assist?


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Ultimate Indy 500 v0.8 (A2600 Game)

Ultimate Indy 500 is a 4 player paddle racing game which is a little similar to Indy 500.

This version has much better driving dynamics.

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Schoolbus v0.1 (A2600 Game)

The story is that you are a schoolbus driver and there is a storm that took a lot of powerlines down and you have to drive to school without running off the road or into downed powerlines. It is basically currently just a side-scrolling driving game where you get more points by driving faster and longer. Have fun!

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