Phidias (19-04-2007) (NDS Application)

Phidias is a painting application for your Nintendo DS.


This is a kinda big update again. So many things have changed that I will not try to write a complete changelog, but here’s some of the new cool features:

* HSV color picker (no more messing around with rgba sliders)
* Customizable palette
* Can use bmp files as brushes and easily create brushes from within Phidias
* Image offsettin feature to make it easy to create seamless textures
* Some more tool options like spacing and line curving
* And much more

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Ka-BoOm v0.2 (NDS Game)

stravingo has released v0.2 of Ka-BoOm.


* Highscores management. Up to five best times for each mode are saved. On the highscores screens, you can press B to show/hide the dates of the scores.
* DLDI support. DLDI patching is necessary if you want to save the highscores.
* The wick of the bomb burns more quickly. You only have one second to extinguish it ! Puts much more stress on you and your lungs .
* The animation of the green checker on the upper screen now depends on the game : it zooms by a magnitude that depends on the number of squares cleared, it zooms and rotates during an explosion.
* “Arialia mode” (private joke ) : you can press Select to enable/disable the green checker movement.
* Animated menu.
* More sound FX.
* More animated features.

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3P v0.1 (NDS Application)

Shadow90 has released a binary of 3P, which is a paint proggy. The project has been announced last week, but a binary was not available at this time.

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Stellar Rover v0.2 (NDS Game)

Stellar Rover is intended to be a space trading game simulation with some RPG and shooter parts.

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Dice Soldiers v0.4 (NDS Game)

Dice Soldiers has recieved a major GFX facelifting and is now available in version 0.4.

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DSMasterPlus v1.2 (Master System emu for NDS)

Alekmaul brings us a new version of DSMasterPlus, a pretty good Master System emulator for the Nintendo DS.

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CraigAmp v3.0 (Final) (GP2x Application)

Craig has released the final 3.0 version of his music player CraigAmp for the GP2x.


Files are now listed alphabetically.
Volume saving bug fixed.
Lockup mode bugs fixed.
Random play now shuffles the playlist rather than jumping around it randomly, this
means you don’t get repeats and you can see what is next.
You can now softscroll by holding up or down, it will get faster the longer you hold it.
Playlists are now saved with windows AND unix line endings (and no more ‘x’s)
New playlists are now saved into the DIR where you chose to create them rather the DIR
you were in when you chose to save them.
Message to say ‘create new playlist with A button’ if no lists are found.
Player no longer misses 2 songs when looping back to the start.
If a picture cannot be found for a song/album/artist but there is only one picture in
the current DIR it will assume that picture is the artwork and show it.

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GP2x Cradle (GP2x misc)

A new piece of hardware for the GP2x is going to hit the known GP2x stores soon, the “GP2x Cradle” formerly known as BOB. Here is a illustration with full features and additional information:

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Reminiscence v0.4 (GP2x misc)

Here is the latest REminiscence (Flashback) binary for GP2X. This version (v0.4) is the next public one after (v0.1) since v0.2 and v0.3 were private.


– upgraded to REminiscence 0.1.9
– upgraded to minimal library SDK v0.C
– adjusted default clock to 100 mhz now
– released source code
– added voice.vce speech file from sega cd american version (voice.vce as rs.voc)
– fixed support for different languages in movies
– fixed glitches in movies (thx cyx! 🙂
– improved sound quality
– changed inventory handling (improves playability)
– changed gamma to 1.20 (looks nicer now)
– changed volume down + start to exit
– removed password screen
– removed SDL (smoother now)
– added fullscreen support (press select)
– added language support (english, french, german, spanish)
– added level selector screen
– added R button as A (improves playability)
– optimized now. got smoother gameplay (if possible)
– removed start key to avoid conflict while playing
– added volume controls
– fixed initial hangup in some GP2Xs
– fixed sound sampling rate

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ColecoDS v2.0 (Coleco Vision emu for NDS)

Alekmaul has updated his Coleco Vision emulator for the Nintendo DS.

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