Here is a new version of PSPMSX the MSX series Emulator for PSP. Changes: – Add missing keys such as HOME, GRAPH, STOP (Thanks to symBioT for the bug report) – Auto joystick fire mode, press RTrigger+X to switch it on/off (useful for games such as 1942) – Add several new hotkeys : . settings such as fps, render mode, [&hellip
News from Red Squirrel: What’s it? It is an Alternative VSHMenu that has ALL same functions of the M33 VshMenu and other utilities such as the possibility to change the background color, to power off and to sleep the console, to activate and to disactivate M33 VshMenù from dashboard or to make screenshot of XMB! Press HOME (by Default) in [&hellip
FreePlay presents FreeRadio – a completely serverless radio player portal for Firmware 3.80. Changes: Added support for custom plugins. Included an example – a two-channel equalizer that displays beneath the ‘stop’ button. For an example of how plugins work, open X:radiopluginsequalize r.plugin in your favorite text editor. Plugins are self-contained JavaScript files, so if you’re any good with that, you [&hellip
cid2mizard, our newcomer coder from france, released an updated version of his Super Mario themed shooter “Super Mario Galaxies”. This release is actually just a tiny bugfix release
namco updated his port of Zoids Quest, a 2D platformer. Changes: – added music – written code for diagonal bias, but I don’t think it works – might work on the F-200’s though – Zoid now moves faster
This is a Content Pipeline, that you can add in your projects, and then use MD3 Models ( Quake 3 ). Use XNA
DSilver seems to be a occult dictionary for Nintendo DS. Thanks to for the news
MobileMoney allows you to manage your financial accounts on your iPhone. Changes: UPDATE: The issue with using old accounts has been fixed in version 0.91. In case you started over with a fresh file and would like to import your old file, you may use the “Import” feature to do so. Place your old mms file in ~/Library/Money
Sokoknight is a Sokoban game for Nintendo DS coded by necronlord. Thanks to for the news
FreePlay presents FreeRadio – a completely serverless radio player portal for Firmware 3.80. Changes: fixed the readme… this ain’t 2007 anymore 🙂 Added support for user themes, based on cascading stylesheets. To make a theme, create a file called ‘user_theme.css’ in the RadioPersonalize folder and edit it with any text editor. It’s a standard CSS stylesheet, so if you don’t [&hellip