Category: Playstation Portable
Phoenix Game Engine v0.02 (PSP Lua misc)

Phoenix Game Engine (PGE) is a fully featured engine for game development written by InsertWittyName and MK2k. PGE Lua is the Lua wrapper of that engine.


– Added pge.exit() to explicitely exit at any time.
– Fixed pge.texture.draw() to only allow the correct number of parameters to be passed (reported by #Gianni#).
– Added pge.texture.swizzle() to swizzle a texture.
– Added pge.texture.unswizzle() to unswizzle a texture.
– Added an optional parameter to pge.texture.load() and pge.texture.loadmemory() to specify whether to swizzle the texture on load.
– Added pge.texture.pixel() to get or set the color value of a pixel within a texture.
– Added an error check to, returns nil if nothing could be read.
– Added an error check to pge.file.readnum(), returns nil if the number could not be read.
– Added a return value to pge.file.write(), returns the number of bytes written.
– Fixed pge.mp3.loadmemory() which incorrectly checked for two parameters to be passed when it only requires one (reported by TheUnderminer).
– Added pge.math.deg() to convert radians to degrees.
– Added pge.math.rad() to convert degrees to radians.
– Moved the socket functions to to give a layer of separation.
– Moved the socketset functions to to give a layer of separation.
– Added an optional parameter to, to specify how many bytes to receive.
– Fixed to unswizzle the texture before saving, then re-swizzle if needed.

Thanks to for the news.

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Isometric Engine (PSP Lua Misc)

A Lua library by dungeon. You will be able to create isometric games with this engine.

Release notes:

After many months of work, I have the honour to present the first version of the Isometric Engine accompanied by his inseparable Isometric Collision Creator!

The Isometric Engine is a library in Lua which manages Isometrique collisions or “normal” 4 lines! More taken headache.

This library has been designed for the basic types of games RPGs with a main character who move. (but free to you to use it as you see fit)

Video of the Isometric Engine in action:

Everything is under GPL so you can change this library as you see fit, but under some conditions (for details see LICENCE.txt)

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Pandora Installer FR for 3.xx Kernels (Revision 4b) (PSP Application)

A french version of Hellcats Pandora Installer for 3.xx Kernels by Mizou93 and Willy91.

Release notes:

Now the french translation, I used an Hex Editor to translate the last version, and with the agreement of Hellcat, I’m here to share this version with you.

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Blind Assistant (CFW0003) (PSP Application)

Blind Assistant is an attempt to help blind human, using softwares that run not on expensive and complex hardware, but on a simple Sony PSP.

Blind Assistant uses Nanodesktop tecnology for windows environment, it is able to speak with the user using ndFLite, a porting of the speech synthesis engine originally developed by the Carnegie Mellon University and it is able to recognizes the name and the position of the people that are present in that moment in your room, using complex algorithms (as Intel EigenFaces/PentLand PCA).

The face recognition tecnology is provided using ndOpenCV, a porting of the original Intel OpenCV libraries developed by the same author of the Blind Assistant and of the Nanodesktop SDK.

Filippo Battaglia’s version of ndOpenCV improves the Intel code because the algorithms have been modified in way to use EMI (Enhanced Mathematical Interface), an API integrated in Nanodesktop system, and written totally in assembly, that is able to use Sony VFPU to speed up the necessary computations. Using EMI, we can obtain the necessary CPU power.

This program works only on PSP custom firmwares. It has been tested (under PSPE and PSP) with the CF 3.71 M33-4, 3.80 e 3.90 M33-3. The program is able to auto-update itself using the wireless connection.

The actual version of BlindAssistant is able to recognize the name of the people that are present in front of the blind.


– Introduced BlindServer 1.1 engine (it has been totally redesigned)
– Introduced /siftdebug option
– New version of BAWCP protocol
– Improved speed of face recognition
– Introduced new cvhaarcascade file
– Introduced trackbars for the probe area and the threshold of the face detector
– New criterium for skipping the face recognizer results
– Several bugs fixed
– More efficient VFPU code for face recognition

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Gianas Return WIP (PSP Game misc)

News from the Giana’s Return team and their attempt to port their own game over to the Playstation Portable.


Our coder made quite a progress for the PSP version.

Earlier this day he had to fight with memory issues, but he managed to sort out those during the day. Now it’s quite late and we DO HAVE a working PSP version, but it has graphics glitches, minor transparency issues and is a bit slow. Also the controls seem too sensitive for an analogue stick and completly wrong for digital cross usage.

We keep you guys updated!
(at least for the next few days before our organizer and “blog udpater” rushes out for a longtime vacation).

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triEngine (27-08-2008) (PSP Misc)

Raphael has updated triEngine, it’s a programming library useful for mostly game coders.


– Added default sprite mode width/height (if set to 0) resolving to image width/height.
– Changed triDraw*Rotate to not depend on ortho mode anymore (Thanks Xfacter).
– Added double displaylist optimization.
– Added triple Sysram buffer mode that saves up VRAM (API change for triInit() required).
– Added TRI_DLIST_SIZE_KB macro to override the display list size.
– Added new triDraw primitives and fixed triDrawCircle functions (also don’t require a numSteps parameter anymore).
– Added inbuilt font.
– Added support for saving/loading own file format (trf) and compile without Freetype (TRI_SUPPORT_FT).
– Added function to make a font mono spaced.
– Fixed font drawing bug.
– Added triArchive (by tommydanger).
– Added custom particle render function.
– Added more documentation to triGraphics.
– Created branch/modelanimation for preliminary implementation of model animation support.

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Dragon Ball Quizz v2 (PSP Game)

A quiz about Dragonball by _MasterXP_.

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iPlay TicTacToe v3 (PSP Game)

Tic Tac Toe…

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The Way v1.01 (PSP Lua Game)

You have to remember a way, which is marked with grey or black fields for 5 seconds. After that, you have to control your “block” through the fields the same way.

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Home Viewer v1.0 (PSP Application)

An application by roe-ur-boat, view and sort your games and applications on your Playstation Portable.

Release notes:

Here’s another badly-named application I’ve made that I made so I could sort the many games and apps on my PSP. You can freely move your games up and down in the list and there is also an option to sort them all alphabetically.

I hope somebody else finds this useful and if anyone has any suggestions or comments feel free to post below or send an email to my address in the readme.

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