SocialMonster (Android Application)

SocialMonster offers a rich set of functions that allow sharing of information under the context of an event where participants can interact with each other, post instant messages, map location tags, share photos, polls, etc. SocialMonster helps users build a circle of friends where relationships are maintained and discovered via social events. Users can discover mutual friends, new friendships, and keep existing relationships healthy. SocialMonster elevates traditional point-to-point communication to a context-based, group-oriented communication. Users can reach multiple parties without the hassle of making dozens of phone calls.

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ShapeWriter (Android Application)

Text entry is indispensable in productivity and collaboration applications such as email, IM, and SMS. Without a large physical keyboard, slow text entry cripples these applications on touch screen based mobile phones. ShapeWriter lets the user simply slide a finger or stylus from letter to letter on a touch screen keyboard and lift to complete an entire word. The approximate stroke gesture is recognized as the intended word. ShapeWriter on Android supports three activities: WritingPad, gTalk, and Balloon Game. All three demonstrate and take advantage of ShapeWriter’s core technology.

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SafetyNet (Android Application)

What if you were being attacked? Could you protect yourself and call for help at the same time? Could you dial 911? What if the phone could help? What if the phone could contact everyone in your SafetyNet telling them of your situation? Maybe provide your location? What if the phone could distract an assailant by sounding a loud siren plus activating a voice track announcing each function as it happens? What if your phone started capturing images of the scene? What if your phone could dial 911 and what if it did all of this by simply shaking it?

“Shake to Activate” is the driving force behind the simplicity of the SafetyNet application. By monitoring an on board accelerometer, SafetyNet can detect when a user is forcefully shaking the device in an effort to call for help, even if the application has not been launched.

“Safety Zones” is a SafetyNet feature that takes advantage of Android’s Location Based Manager. This will enable the “Shake to Activate” feature only when it is needed, helping to optimize your battery’s performance while maintaining access to the simplicity of a SafetyNet automated alert.

Medical Alert can use Google’s GTalk technology to notify everyone in your SafetyNet that you are experiencing a Medical emergency. Plus, it activates a voice track that can capture the attention of first responders and provide critical medical information to them even if you can’t.

Author: Michael DeJadon

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PedNav (Android Application)

PedNav is an application that helps you plan your activities efficiently when moving around and interacting with an urban environment. It helps you select your daily activities using well-organized listings and lets you specify the time constraints for each of these activities while finding the most suitable public transportation and/or walking directions to each destination. PedNav is the ideal application for anyone who desires a one-stop shop for organizing their day, whether for a business trip, a shopping expedition, or an entertaining night out.

The ‘Places’ feature allows the user to browse for venues by address or the current GPS location. Users are able to browse through categories to find what they are looking for, or the search feature may be used to find venues in any category.

The ‘Itineraries’ feature asks users to select venues and assign time constraints (eg. “I want to be at Union Square by 11:00 am”). PedNav then creates a step-by-step itinerary, with public transit and walking directions, telling the user when to go where and how to get there.

Author: RouteMe2 Technologies Inc.
Additional Contributors: Amir Malik, Shawn Bohonos, Roberto Manduchi

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MyCloset (Android Application)

MyCloset can manage a person’s fashion items through a mobile phone and can check weather information to select appropriate clothing. When taking a trip, MyCloset coordinates outfits by checking the weather at your destination and then generates a list of items to take with you on your trip. In addition to sorting by registration number, item name, and frequency of use, MyCloset can sort by the color features detected from the image. With an intuitive user interface and a charming design MyCloset offers a new user experience.

This application features seamless screen transitions through the use of animation.

The layout structure(XML) is capable of utilizing Android features which can be described separately and has high legibility.

Author: Mamoru Tokashiki

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mobeedo (Android Application)

mobeedo is a “mobile oracle” which displays exactly and only the information available on the mobeedo platform relevant to the users’ current situation. The platform can be accessed by anyone for providing any kind of situation-specific information or services to be consumed via smart phones. Additionally a map in the background indicates the users’ current location. Optionally one’s track as well as “classical” POIs can be overlayed. When brought to the foreground, the map can not only be used to navigate, but the information relevant to that location can be provided.

Using Android’s location API to continuously retrieve location and speed empowers mobeedo (also taking into account other parameters) to deliver exactly the information you need in any situation.

Android’s Maps API is used to display your current location, the path you traveled, as well as points of interest near you in order to get a better overview of your surroundings.

Android’s Service architecture in combination with the Notification Manager are used to inform you about important events, even when the mobeedo application is not currently running.

Author: Sengaro GmbH
Additional Contributors: Christian Vogt, Robert Walter, Florian Köllich,Tim Hannemann, Katja Neubarth, Clemens Kilga

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Marvin (Android Application)

Using Marvin is like exploring the world of user-generated content with finger gestures on the move, without touching a desktop computer. Publish whatever you want in specific services to serve your daily life. With Marvin users can help each other by publishing useful information to specific places, provide their own input, and rate existing messages. Marvin is also a point-to-point content delivery system to publish pictures and textual messages attached to locations to your spouse, kids and friends from your mobile device to their mobile device. Publish dynamic messages that are able to follow you when you engage the Location Cruise Control mode.

Marvin combines Android OpenGL API, Google Maps rendered in 3D, Google StreetView and standard UI overlays to offer a unique 3D geo-browsing capability on a mobile device. 3D guided navigation and message integration is done from space to street level.

Using the always on networking aspect of Android, Marvin allows users to publish and browse user-generated content by location, services, and keywords. The audience is the world, your connected peer group, or a subset of your group.

Using Android’s Location API, browse public, private or peer feeds near you or anywhere on the map. Make messages follow you physically when you move. Enable, disable or delete what you published, wherever you are.

Author: Laurent Pontier

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LifeAware (Android Application)

LifeAware (TM) enables you to locate your friends and family members on your phone or the LifeAware (TM) website. It also allows you to set zones for specific friends and be alerted when friends enter or leave those zones. Be notified when any of your friends are within a specified distance of your current location or other pre-determined locations. Create and share location aware GeoLists. Updates to the lists by any friend are displayed to the entire “share group” of friends.

Using Android’s location APIs, LifeAware (TM) enables you to locate your friends and family in relation to your current position, search for places near you, create location aware GeoLists, and set up proximity alerts based on your friends’ locations.

Leveraging the Maps API, location mapping and informational overlays provide the users with information about their position, surrounding areas, and the location of their friends and family members. Interactive maps provide visual creation of alert zones by tapping the map to increase or decrease the size of the zones.

Background service capabilities available with the Android platform, allow LifeAware (TM) to function even when the main application is not active on the user’s phone.

Authors: Gregory Moore, Aaron O’Brien, Jawad Akhtar

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Inside the Machine (HBB Edition) (NDS Game)

Inside the Machine is a action-platform game on NDS. You control an animal that have to get out the body of a monster.

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Marble (HBB Edition) (NDS Game)

Marble is a complete remake of the classic wood labyrinth game, in full 3D (both screen) with realistic physics, mp3 music, on-DS visual level editor and more.

Release notes from Noda:

I’m glad to present here an updated version of the one I submitted to the Neo Compo, I hope you’ll enjoy it.

For those who are wondering, it’s labelled “preview” because there’s still much more level elements and 3D engine improvements to be added which already on my to-do list. I wanted to release the current version as I’m not sure when it will be finished.

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