Wii News
Maze Generator (30-11-2009) (Wii Game)

Maze Generator generates mazes. Use your Wiimote DPad to navigate the blue block through the randomly generated mazes and try to find your way to the other blue block.

Further release notes:

That is pretty much all there is to it. You can optionally watch the maze being created (just hit 1 or 2 at the menu screen and it will slow down the process and render it on screen as its doing it) or you can just get started right away (hit a and it will only take a sec to make the maze and wont present you with it until its done).

I had just read an article about automated Depth-First Search maze creation and thought it seemed interesting so I went about writing up the random maze generator based on it. Everything outside of the random level generator (the graphics, the controls, the actual game play and goal) where all an afterthought made to justify to myself why I had made this. As a result its not really that great of a game. The mazes are really easy to figure out and tend to not really give you enough opportunities to make mistakes. The controls kinda suck just because of how fast you move and how small you and the path ways are on screen.

I’m happy with it though. It didn’t take too long to make and most of the time was actually spent on somewhat unrelated things that will probably come in handy for future homebrew games. I can definitely see myself adapting the maze generator a bit and using it in future games (I just love the idea of randomly/procedurally generated game environments). I really like the look of it. I really like how the title screen and in game background turned out looking and I love how the crisp and simple black maze walls look on it. I think the two blue blocks ruin the aesthetic a bit but it was necessary for the sake of gameplay that they be the way they are.

Video in Action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JS67qbgxzzo

Source: http://wiibrew.org/wiki/Maze_Generator


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WiiMarel v1.0 (Wii Game)

WiiMarel is a board game originally played in the region of Piemont (Italy).

17 sheeps and 2 wolves challenge on a board (2 players). 9 sheeps must reach the fold (the square top ). Wolves need to eat the sheeps! Pieces are moves turn by turn, following guide lines. The wolf jumps over a sheep to eat. As long as he can eat, the wolf plays again. Beware, in case you forgot to eat, the wolf is ‘blown’.


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libogc v1.8.1 (Wii misc)

libogc is a collection of low-level libraries for the GameCube and Wii. This collection of libraries was originally written by shagkur for the GameCube and has been developed over the past 6 years.


Improved smb speed.
Increased default tcp window size to improve speed over internet.
remove casts from time conversion macros

Source: http://wiibrew.org/wiki/Main_Page


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Dance Clone (28-11-2009) (Wii Game)

Dance Clone is exactly what it says it is. Its simply a DDR clone.

Release notes:

Its far from done and along with other missing functionality it doesn’t even have audio but here is the beginnings of my Wii homebrew DDR clone. Its intended to be played with a GameCube/Wii dance mat but will work fine with a regular GC controller d-pad or a wiimote d-pad. Just hit the corresponding directional button to match the arrows as they reach the top. You get either a perfect or good rating based on how well you time it or you will get a booed if you totally miss an arrow. The game is completely frame rate independent so even if the currently great frame rate starts to go down or becomes inconsistent the game will always stay in sync with the soon to be added music. Also well the game currently “randomly” generates the arrow placement its setup in a way that will make it incredibly easy to have it save and load the placement from an external file once I create the editor. Another thing is that well the randomly placed arrows are placed at a consistent rate (there is 140 of them per minute and there all evenly separated) Theres nothing that about the way its setup that necessitates that so songs with inconsistent speeds will be more then possible. The top bars distance from the top of the screen, the arrow scroll speed, and what distance good and perfect fall into should all be considered temporary and will be tweaked.

Video in Action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBBk7LeXsrc

Source: http://wiibrew.org/wiki/Dance_Clone


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Mplayer CE v0.76 (Wii Application)

Mplayer CE is a fork of the Team Twiizers MPlayer port, combining elements of MPlayerWii and GeeXboX.


Fixes for 4.2 update
Stability fixes (hopefully freezing is gone forever now)
Network (LAN and WAN) speeds increased
Added directory play feature
YouTube section entirely revamped
Added Nintendo Channel content (quality may not yet be optimal) (thanks to yellowstar6 for his work on ninchdl-listext)
[blip.tv was planned but couldn’t make it on time]
Many, many more bugs fixed


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Gecko OS v1.9.3 (Final) (Wii Application)

Gecko OS (formerly Gecko Region Free) lets you load Wii games from other regions.


Loading games no longer requires a second disc spin-up
Added support for the new Homebrew Channel ID
Fixed channel loading to use the selected hook type, instead of always using the VBI hook
Improved the 002 error prevention method for channels
Add support for using cIOS for rebooter
Fix dol/elf loading
Add support for System Menu 4.2
Bug fix for poke function in gameconfig.txt (thanks to WiiPower)


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SDL MAME Wii v0.4 (Arcade emu for Wii)

SDL MAME Wii is an Arcade Emulator based on SDLMAME. Many games for early arcade boards can be played with varying amounts of success.


Upgraded MAME to 0.135
Added WiiMote Sensor support
Stereo support fixed
Game list now shows up to 150 ROMs instead of just 15
Changed USB/SD detection (Tries USB first, then falls back to SD)

Support: http://www.tehskeen.com/forums/showthread.php?t=15094


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GRRLIB v4.1.1 (Wii misc)

GRRLIB is a C/C++ 2D Graphics library for Wii application developers. It is essentially a wrapper which presents a friendly interface to the Nintendo GX core. With it, coders can quickly and easily start creating graphical applications.

As of v4.1.0, GRRLIB is supplied as a standard C/C++ library (aka. archive) called ‘libgrrlib’. Because GRRLIB processes JPEG and PNG images, it requires the installation of the ‘libjpeg’ and ‘libpngu’ libraries. ‘libpngu’, in turn, requires ‘libpng’ and ‘libpng’ requires ‘libz’. GRRLIB also has FileIO functions to allow real-time loading and saving of graphical data, and thus also requires ‘libfat’.


Fully compatible with devkitPro release 18 and 19 (code and examples)
libpng was updated to version 1.2.40
Support for MS-Windows Bitmap format uncompressed (1-bit, 4-bit, 8-bit, 24-bit and 32-bit)
New function called GRRLIB_DrawPart to draw a specific part of a texture
Extra parameters to GRRLIB_Screen2Texture
Video is now initialized even without a SD card
Fixed a problem with scaling images
Documentation improvement


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CustomizeMii v1.1 (Wii Application misc)

CustomizeMii is a 100% legal custom Channel creator for the Wii.


Note: License upgraded to GNU GPL v3!
Sound is working now
Added brlan and brlyt tabs (for advanced users)
Added displaying of image width and height in preview window
Added “Make Transparent” checkbox for TPLs
Fixed IA8 previewing / extracting
Improved bricksafety (hopefully!)
Added Tooltips
Added update check at startup
Wrote basic instructions (see Instructions.txt or instructions tab)

Thanks to http://www.tehskeen.com/forums/showthread.php?p=74401 for the news.


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ShootMii v0.9 (Wii Game)

ShootMii is a Wii Tank shooting game.

Thanks to http://www.nintendomax.com/index.php?topic_id=10888 for the news.


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