Fingerpaint (Android Application)

Fingerpaint lets you communicate visually, allowing you to show people ideas instead of just describing them. Fingerpaint is fun, useful, and easy to use; draw with others, draw on pictures, maps, websites, or just doodle. Fingerpaint is fun, but it’s more than that too. Because it’s collaborative, it’s an aid to communication, and many things are best expressed visually. There is a reason “show, don’t tell” is oft-repeated for effective communication. A business user could sketch a graph or diagram while on the road, or a kid in a classroom could draw horns on a picture of his teacher with his friends.

Using Android’s built-in map, browser, and camera APIs, you can point out a location on a map, mark up a website, or doodle on a picture.

Fingerpaint has infinite canvas space – so the size of the screen doesn’t determine the size of your drawing. Simply slide the canvas over, or zoom in or out, to give yourself more space. This is all made possible by Android’s advanced 2D drawing APIs.

Because of Android’s built-in database, you never need to think about saving – Fingerpaint saves everything automatically, from the second you put it on screen.

Author: Rob Mickle

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Em-Radar (Android Application)

Em-Radar provides live, always-on emergency monitoring 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Em-Radar launches in the background as soon as your phone powers on. The unique Em-Beacon feature keeps track of where your loved ones are in an emergency. The Em-Beacon Message Board let you easily send messages to multiple recipients simultaneously.

Em-Radar uses Android’s location APIs to pin-point your location to deliver relevant alert bulletins.

Em-Radar uses Android’s Maps, GPS, and optional compass sensor to help you locate friends and family.

Accessing the phone to make calls to your friends and family from within Em-Beacon.

Author: Jack Kwok

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e-ventr (Android Application)

e?ventr makes it easy to arrange and organize casual meetings and accept invitations, whether it is to a party, sports event, a concert or any other activity. Whenever you want to go out or do any activity with your friends, take a quick look at your e?ventr. He tells you all about interesting events and what your friends are planning to do. Moreover, your friends will be informed about your activities and can join in. e?ventr brings social networking to real life.

Always?on networking is indispensable for e?ventr because information about events will be made available in real time. When a user enters data it will be visible for his friends after a just a few seconds, and they can react immediately.

e?ventr is a location?based service and uses Maps API to enter and display the locations of events with overlays and maps imagery. Additionally, the user’s current position is shown as well as the distance to the event location.

Invitations to an event can be sent via e-mail or SMS to friends who do not have e?ventr on their mobile phone. The recipient’s phone number or e-mail address can be selected from the phone book.

Author: Michael Zitzelsberger

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Dyno (Android Application)

Dyno can be used for many purposes related to vehicle performance such as checking horsepower and determining your car’s engine condition. The energy consumption gage can be used to check your traffic conditions. Dyno can also be used for personal performances such as monitoring your bicycling performance, calculating the calories you burn during your exercise, and your race analysis.

Dyno uses the Android accelerometer to determine real-time horse power, energy consumption and is a better speedometer than the GPS alone can provide.

Google Maps API is used to display your current location in real-time and display location logged for each session.

The number and type of information shown such as display units, display color, etc. is fully configurable.

Author: Virachat Boondharigaputra

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Diggin (Android Application)

Diggin is about playing your favorite music instantly, wherever you are and wherever you’re going. And if you don’t have any music that fits your mood, you’ll have access to thousands of streaming radio stations as well. Make the player your very own by drawing or writing on the music crates and picking your favorite color for the player interface. Check out the automatically downloaded album covers for your music. Lyrics for the playing song will always be readily available, whether it is from your own collection or even a song off the radio.

Diggin uses Android’s extensive graphics library to achieve a vivid and interesting mobile interface, where everything can be picked up, pressed or otherwise manipulated. Instant graphical response to user input is combined with smooth transitions for an immersive experience.

Android’s intent system allows Diggin to lower the music volume when the phone is ringing, and to pause it completely when the user picks up the phone or calls out. Android services ensure that the music keeps playing even when Diggin is closed.

The always on-line capability creates a unique experience, where information relevant to the current song is delivered on-the-fly. It also lets the user explore further through the web browser.

Authors: Daniel Johansson, Aramis Waernbaum, Andreas Hedin

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Commandro (Android Application)

Commandro revolutionizes the mobile experience, enabling users to work with location-sensitive information in new ways while fostering real-life communication. A universal, multipurpose application powerful enough for nearly any geo-centric mobile user, Commandro is perfect for private usage, e.g., as an advanced location-aware organizer. Commandro is closely integrated with the Android phone book, so you can easily keep in touch with friends, colleagues, and associates. Commandro is an excellent social networking application as it helps find new friends and discover new places based on your location and personal interests, utilizing powerful features such as multi-criteria searches, built-in dating radar, and channel subscriptions.

Powerful Android Google Maps integration features allow Commandro to display map-based content by creating a truly revolutionary map-browsing experience. The optimal combination of location accuracy and power usage are guaranteed by the use of various GPS providers.

A powerful combination of always-on networking features and the ability to run the application as a service in background mode saves resources and allows users to be online and available as much as they want.

In addition to core map functionality, components enhancing the user experience include a powerful media manager and versatile instant messenger.

Authors: Alex Pisarev, Andrey Tapekha
Additional Contributors: Maxim Burdiean, Sadko Mobile

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City Slikkers (Android Game)

The game combines elements of strategy, role-playing, sports, social and tactical games. The central idea behind the concept is to give people the opportunity to symbolically interfere with the everyday urban environment and come into contact with previously unknown people. By introducing a metaphorical recapture of the city‘s elements (buildings, squares, streets), a virtual reorganization of the urban space leads to a new relationship between the players and their environment. In the sacred space of the game world, the city is under their control thus giving the players a feeling of superiority. They contrast with the institutionalized and organized space and give it spontaneity and dynamics.

In order to create a unique visual experience and to create a feeling of a 3-dimensional virtual space, we chose to use the 3D capabilites of Android. A pure Maps mashup is unsuitable when it comes to creating a game world as it is heavily associated with everyday activities.

Without proper locating technologies the game is unthinkable as the whole gameplay relies on the position of objects and people which need to be shared in real-time, using Android’s GPS.

As the playing field changes continuously, everything relies on updating all players simultaneously, so Android’s always-on connectivity is vital

Author: PoroCity Media and Virtual Logic Systems
Additional Contributors: Joerg Hildenbrand, Surya Prakash, Anas A, Puja Mehra, Binil Thomas, Jitendra Kumar, Basudev Adhikary

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BioWallet (Android Application)

BioWallet is basically a “safe wallet” that can store sensitive information (passwords, certificates, documents, conversations, notes, pictures, etc.). This information can only be accessed by the user through iris or handwritten signature based authentication. The data is kept secret even if the device is lost or stolen using strong biometric encryption techniques. Advanced users can also digitally sign their documents or encrypt their communications. Even the phone itself can be protected and unlocked only if the user presents his/her eye or signature.

Iris Recognition is one of the most reliable biometric methods. This feature uses the Android camera API to accomplish hardware independence making it possible for biometric methods related to the camera (iris, face, etc.) to work properly on all compliant devices.

Although it is not as precise as iris based recognition, handwritten signature recognition is widely accepted as a method to prove your identity and it is easier to use. It is implemented using the Android touch screen API that gives complete information about the touch events (position, pressure, velocity, etc.)BioWallet can be used as an “electronic wallet” to store sensitive information. The documents can also be encrypted, decrypted, digitally signed and verified. This is possible thanks to the support of the Android platform that provides a powerful relational database (SQLite) and cryptographic capabilities.

Authors: Jose Luis Huertas Fernandez
Additional Contributors: Miguel Gonzalez Martin, Jose Eulalio Arias Garcia, Abraham Holgado Garcia, Rodrigo Sanchez Gonzalez

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Beetaun (Android Application)

These days few tourists want to simply sightsee, follow the standard tourist trails, or take pictures of a place and then forget about it forever. Beetaun helps you view the world from another point of view. As a geo-related service Beetaun is a collection of unique and exciting stories and locations that can be found in the city you visit or live in. As a social network Beetaun allows the user to search for new friends, share stories, comments and photos of visited places, and share emotions. Beetaun’s goal is to make traveling more fun than ever.

Beetaun uses Maps API to provide handy map navigation and convenient interface.

Beetaun uses Web View with JavaScript handlers for complex interfaces.

Authors: Sergey Gritsyuk, Dmitri Shipilov

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B4E (Android Application)

While the user is using the Android phone, B4E lets the user obtain multimedia information based on the external environment and the user’s profile. B4E also allows the user to learn about recent disasters, so that the user can donate money to the NPO or NGO if they wish.

B4E uses Android’s multithreading mechanism to handle different events including both computation-bound (processing the multimedia data) and I/O-bound (accessing the Internet connection and local files) without compromising B4E’s responsiveness to users’ inputs.

B4E extracts a user’s identity and friends’ data from their SIM card and phonebook through Android’s API so that the user can input less data, go through fewer steps, and ultimately have a better experience with B4E.

Authors: Mr. Che, Mr. Happy C.
Additional Contributors: Miss Cindy and SkyKing

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