Morning Timer v1.0 (NDS Application)

After a few test and beta releases, here comes the first v1.0 of Infantile Paralysiser ‘s “Morning Timer”. It’s an alarm clock application but also plays MP3’s.


The interrupt processing of ARM7 is reviewed, stability has been improved.
The backlight setting item was added.
The bug to which the folder/file icon was not displayed by the file selection dialog was corrected.
Folder name and file name was sorted by the file selection dialog.
The folder that doesn’t contain the music file is excluded by the file selection dialog.
The volume change curve has been adjusted more naturally.
The frequency conversion was made high-quality. ‘Nearest neighbor’ is improved to ‘Interpolation’.
The bug with a wrong AM/PM judgment was corrected.
The resource was saved by compressing the icon file with TGF.
The resource was saved by compressing the sound effect file with TTA.
Soft reset of the START button is disregarded while executing the timer.

Thanks to for the news.

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TiltingLabirinth v0.3 (NDS Game)

Here comes an update from Programix:

You have to get to the finish and avoid red block and get most green fruits. There are also other things like water etc. Game is controlled by DSMotion but can be control also by Dpad. It is now beta vesion so it is yet buggy so if you find any bug, please report them.


* Added level editor
* New set of 15 levels
* Fixed few bugs

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ModPlay (PSP Lua Application)

ModPlay was written in LUA by Spike_132000. At the Moment, the Application can play MOD, XM and IT Files.

Spike_132000 is asking for feedback, so if you have some spare minutes, you might give him your thoughts.

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Stackless Python PSP v2.5.1_1 (PSP misc)

Stackless Python is an enhanced version of the Python programming language. It allows programmers to reap the benefits of thread-based programming without the performance and complexity problems associated with conventional threads. The microthreads that Stackless adds to Python are a cheap and lightweight convenience which can if used properly, give the following benefits:

* Improved program structure.
* More readable code.
* Increased programmer productivity.

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Rubiks Cube (21-11-2007) (NDS Game)

Morgan has udpated his Rubiks Cube for NDS.

Here are the release notes:

have finished coding all the turning functions. I also added touchscreen controls to make it less confusing. The icons with an ‘i’ are inverse functions (for example, R turns the right side of the cube clockwise while Ri turns the right side of the cube counterclockwise). Pressing the start button will reset the cube.

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Tritris (20-11-2007) (A2600 Game)

atari2600land, one of the most active (batari basic) coders on Atari 2600 has released a new game.

It’s Tetris with the shapes of Trioncube (made with three blocks instead of four).

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Pulling the Shi… (misc)

Seems not only myself had a bad expirience recently…

Here are a few lines from brakken of

Wraggster, for my knowledge hasn’t been giving proper credit to emulation authors who post their work exclusively on other websites from some time – well at least in cases of the SkeenDev emulators. At the time barely any “scene” sites were covering the emulators due to the fact that there were only a handful of these sites who actually reported on GameCube. To make matters worse two of these “scene” sites who actually did cover GameCube homebrew, MaxConsole and PS2NFO were on bad terms with me and didn’t want to send my site traffic due to various reasons including loss of revenue.

These facts actually hurt the GameCube scene as the very talented authors works were not being spread around the scene. The end result of these other sites greedy tactics turned against them as TehSkeen quickly became a premier site for GameCube related developments and in the end these so called scene sites lost more traffic (income) then they would of if they would of covered the news themselves. Although, gained more popularity I was still not pleased as the homebrew authors weren’t getting they attention they deserved.

During this period in time Wraggster was one of the only English language “scene” sites posting constant updates about the emulators, but he was also not citing the source. This happened on numerous occasions. I however ignored for two reasons: (1) The emulators were getting coverage on a major site. (2) Lots of sites don’t link to respective sources so it’s pointless to post about them unless they are up to a lot of no good like MaxConsole and PS2NFO. Although, I ignored his disrespect for my site and the GameCube coders I did not forget…

Click the link for the full article!

Update: 05:06 @ 21. 11. 20007
While trying to use my account I got this:

You have been banned for the following reason: Nice, Very Nice newspost – Date the ban will be lifted: Never

First STEALING news and then beeing pissed, when someone moans about it in the public… I call this “Very Nice” too and pretty professional 😉 – It probably just proofs that what has been written here tells nothing, but the truth! 😉

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VNCServer 2x (GP2x Application)

VNCServer 2x is a simple VNC server for the GP2x made by Lithosphere. Make sure you have network working. Then telnet and launch it in background (“./vncserver2x &”). You can also put this in a script and return to the menu.

Then start a VNC Viewer to the GP2x IP address. You should see your screen on your PC. This will work on most programs (that use /dev/fb0), some programs won’t work (eg mplayer, …).,0,0,0,8,2393

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White Dwarf v0.1 (NDS misc)

White Dwarf is the working title of preussies current project. It is no game ( yet ) it is more a test area for several things that preussie wanted to try out. Nevertheless if you like Arcade style shooter you can have some fun flying around and shooting nasty enemies.

Thanks to for the news.

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PicoDrive for PSP v1.35a (Genesis emu for PSP)

Notaz has updated his port of PicoDrive for the PSP. It’s a Genesis and Sega CD emulator.


fixed a bug which prevented to load any ROMs after testing the BIOS.
fixed incorrect CZ80 memory map setup, which caused Z80 crashes and graphics corruption in EU Mega CD model1 BIOS menus.
added additional “set to 4:3 scaled” display option for convenience.
added an option to disable frame limitter (works only with non-auto frameskip).

A compatibility thread can be found here:

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