Atari 2600 News
Fort Apocalpyse has been going on with his development of Waterskier.
The current version is out as source code only, as he is having compiling issues. The compiler is getting stuck in an infinite loop.
If anyone can help with this, feel free to do so. The source is written in batarBasic.
Fort Apocalypse improved his Waterskier game once more.
Release notes:
Added an “avoid the jetski” minigame (is somewhat random whether you get that or shark) and basic boat and jetski sound (no other sounds yet), although sound needs suggestions/work.
Fort Apocalypse seems to have his speedrun shoes activated. Here are the release notes for his updated Waterskier game.
Release notes:
First version with fixed compiler and attempt at bad sunset colors (help needed if you have ideas!).
this version has a boat that picks you up. you have to grab the handle without getting run over by the boat. changed colors a little.
Fort Apocalypse has posted two udpates of his homebrew game “Waterskier” in the meantime.
Release notes:
Here you go… old school colors (except for top which I need to figure out) and ramp.
Faster gameplay depending on level. Dot become “ski” that you have to pick up for points or jump for points.
Fort Apocalypse has posted an update to his homebrew game “Waterskier”.
Release notes:
bug in after 3 dies fixed (wasn’t calling return enough). life counter used when hit enemy (which makes it a little too hard to fall for now).
Shark minigame added (try to fall to see it- if you survive you ski again).
Recently atariland2600 released a game called “Project X”. He now renamed it to “Paint The Town Red”.
Release notes:
Changed the name to “Paint the Town Red” and changed it so you don’t go to the next level when you hit what’s already been painted (in fact, nothing happens. Should you die, or is it OK the way it is now?)
atariland2600 comes up with a new game “Project X”.
Release notes:
Here’s a game I’m working on called Project X. The instructions are included in the zip file. Basically, it’s like a combination of Qix & Surround where you try to cover as much as the boards as possible without getting killed. What do you think of it?
MausGames released his first “Work in progress” of Zeta. Explore caves and have fun!
Release notes:
This was an experiment with very large maps. 100 Chambers for the first area alone! Use the Select Switch to see where you are! The first area only has one exit, so far nothing happens when you get to it. Now that I have a ship exploring a cave, I’m not sure what to do with this. Suggestions?
Here comes a “Christmas bB Greeting Card 2007” for the Atari 2600 community, coded by atari2600 land.
Lost Monkey presents his long time project “Monkey Love” to the public.
Release notes:
Here is my WIP – “Monkey Love” – based on the “Fire” Game and Watch and the adaptation called “Puppy Love” in Earthworm Jim 2…
I have been working on getting this game out since 2002 – on and off, although more off than on, as I have hit many walls along the way –
I decided this past October to give it a shot using bB and am really impressed with the results to this point… kudos to Batari, you have made this project fun again…
The game has gone through many storyline changes over its development – the bouncing things have changed from bombs to babies to presents to monkeys…
Right now I have the bounce patterns set up, and am working at changing the sprites (these are actually the baby sprites from 2002) and setting up level patterns…