Nintendo DS News
Bush Returns (08-07-2009) (NDS Game)

Cyberslime is developing a satirical political game featuring the former president of the United States of America.


This is a comedy game I’m developing :p

Plot: In a man who destroyed a nation, lies the only chance of salvation. Nuclear weapons were extinguished peacefully, but in yet another intelligent action by USA, they were dumped in the Guerrilla territory. Now George W. Bush has the job to save his nation!

– Intro
– Lil’ demo level, that will be level one.
– Part of the AI, but it’s not in the game yet.

To Do:
– The rest of the levels
– Finish AI and put following enemies in the game
– A few more sprites like Bush dying, the enemy dying

The game will consist in a few level, 10 or so, where the main objective is to get to the other side. This objective will be very difficult though, with levels like the epic game Froggy, enemies trying to kill you, etc.

If you don’t feel like downloading, here’s a video I recorded:

Please leave comments, critiques, and love declarations.

Thanks, your favorite slime


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Warhawk DS v1.0 (NDS Game)

Warhawk DS is a game for the Nintendo DS coded in 100% ARM assembler.

Warhawk DS is based on a much earlier game released on the C64 in 1986, and is more of a re-imagining than a remake. One thing that was intended to retain was the ‘old school’ feel to the game, and this is hopefully something has been achieved. The downside to keeping the feel is that those of you brought up on present day games may find this a little difficult? It is not an easy ride to clear the 16 levels, though a consession has been made for the modern-day gamer in the addition of continues.

The game has 16 normal levels and also upon completion, another 16 mental levels become available. It is worth finishing the mental levels for the true completion and credit sequence.

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Flash DS (NDS Application)

Flashlight application for NDS.

Thanks to Nintendomax for the news.

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NdShoot (07-07-2009) (NDS Game)

NdShoot is a simple target shooting game for Nintendo DS.

Thanks to for the news.

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BGM Filer v1.00 (NDS Application)

MeRAMAN has released an updated version of BGM Filer.

BGM Filer allows you to playback MIDI files on your NDS!

Thanks to for the news. Thanks to for the screenshot!

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Warhawk WIP (05-07-2009) (NDS Game)

Flash and HeadKaze are still working on the ARM ASM remake/revisioning of the C64 game “Warhawk”.

Progress notes:

I have put the final release package together and will not do anything until HK is awake so he can have one more final check!!

The game will not be released at this site as we have decided that HK’s site is a much better place for the official site and to keep this as a forum for support etc.

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Hokuto No Doom (08-02-2009) (NDS Game)

Hokuto No Doom is a Doom WAD modification.

Thanks to for the news.

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Time For War (Demo 4) (NDS Game)

The techdemo previously posted as “Flamethrower” slowly develops into a war game. Here comes the fourth update!

Release notes:

Demo 4 is out with a lot of good updates…so have fun with it so far…


*rocket no loner gets stuck in the air, still buggy but at least never stuck
*you cant shoot super fast when turning around
*bug fixes here and there
-Added sniper
-Added ammo
-second carry on weapon
-rocket launcher
-Added 9 music tracks
-Added 4 sound effects
!known bug=close ds and music keeps playing but timer stops…

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Bunjalloo v0.7.4 (NDS Application)

Bunjalloo is a web browser for the Nintendo DS. It under active development, and can already display simple pages, follow links and view images.

Release notes by Quirky:

What a disaster! You wait ages for a release of Bunjalloo, then 2 arrive in 2 days. Let me tell you how this happened.

I use version control for all of the main code. All my own code, that is. I also have a big bunch of downloadable 3rd party libraries that Bunjalloo needs. The build system only deals with my own code, it doesn’t handle the 3rd party libraries that I install to $DEVKITPRO/libnds and assume are pretty much fixed. So stuff like libpng, jpeg, zlib, the matrix ssl library, all of these have to be downloaded, compiled and installed separately. I have a few patches that I’ve applied on top of these libraries too. All of these steps are handled by a script that downloads the source files, patches them if needed, compiles and installs. These patches are changes that would either never be accepted in the core library – removing printfs for example, or changing the Makefiles for the DS – or in the case of matrix, the upstream authors don’t seem to have any real “community” or way to send them patches.

These libraries are all relatively stable, and when I upgrade devkitPro I can just run my script to install the latest versions. I’ve also put a tarball of the compiled code on the Google Code site to make your life easier if you want to compile Bunjalloo from code.

There are some libraries here that I’ve not yet mentioned and that I mostly take “as is”. These are the core devkitPro libraries for the NDS – libnds, libfat, and friends. But! I have also been patching dswifi since about Bunjalloo v0.7 to fix an issue with non blocking sockets that just can’t be worked around.

Thanks to an oversight I didn’t apply the patch when I installed the latest dswifi 0.3.9, which meant that the sockets are not dealt with properly. I assume a socket has connected before it really has, and start shoving data in before it’s ready. This has the result that after a few page loads sockets just stop connecting, presumably because I’ve filled up some buffers with junk. Pages no longer load and the whole thing grinds to a halt.

The solution? Short term, I’ve patched dswifi again and uploaded v0.7.4. Longer term, I’ve added a bug report to devkitpro on sourceforge. Hopefully my patch can get integrated and I don’t have to apply the changes manually each time I upgrade the DS toolchain. I should have done this a while ago really.

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Bunjalloo v0.7.3 (NDS Application)

Bunjalloo is a web browser for the Nintendo DS. It under active development, and can already display simple pages, follow links and view images.

Release notes by Quirky:

I’ve released a new version of Bunjalloo on the Google Code site. This is a fairly minor release that mostly updates the code for devkitARM r26 and the various library updates. Full details are in the ChangeLog over on the wiki.

So it’s a minor release, but Bunjalloo itself has gone through quite a lot since 0.7.2 came out in December. Development of new features went on hiatus while I tried to incorporate the Woopsi GUI library. After that failed to really work – mostly down to design decisions on both parts; Woopsi uses the DS hardware for really fast scrolling whereas I want flicker free double buffering – I started to go down this crazy architecture astronomy path that went nowhere either.

Now I want to get back to basics. I want to start releasing versions a bit more regularly. I’m going to try getting a version out every month from now on, even if it is crap! Let’s see how long I can last. You may notice the new banner logo that can be seen when using moonshell and other menu programs. That is thanks to Sam and I’d like to get some more community contributions. The only way for that to happen is if Bunjalloo is alive and kicking, and I think regular releases is the best way for that.

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